Chapter Eighteen

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It has been two days, I left to go to a conference in London until I completely forgot my laptop in my office

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It has been two days, I left to go to a conference in London until I completely forgot my laptop in my office. I walk down the halls, pass the classrooms until my body pauses to see a specific figure sat at the big desk in one of the classrooms.


She had her iPad and books out, spread everywhere whilst she continues writing on the board. What is she doing here? All the students in year four left to go home, and I can definitely confirm she is the only one in this building.

Intrigued and somewhat concerned, I approached the classroom quietly, careful not to disturb Lina as she engrossed herself in her work. The soft echo of her pen scratching against paper filled the room, creating a stark contrast to the otherwise deserted building.

She wore a white t-shirt with a pair of shorts and-bunny slippers?

"Lina?" I called out gently, not wanting to startle her. She looked up from her notes, her expression a mix of surprise and exhaustion.

"Oh-Mr Kane." She exclaimed, hastily gathering her papers and closing the textbooks. "I... I didn't expect to see anyone here."

I couldn't help but notice the fatigue in her eyes and the way she seemed to be pushing herself to the limits. "What are you doing here, Lina? The break has started, and you should be resting at home, not buried in books so early."

She sighed, a weariness evident in her voice. "I-urm-I-I thought I could catch up on some studying. Plus, it's so quiet here."

She is lying to me.

"Go home Lina, you aren't supposed to be here."

"I can't go home...because-" She glanced away for a moment, a flicker of vulnerability in her eyes. "My mum is in a conference in New York and we don't have a home, she sold it since she basically lives in hotels."

I felt a pang of sympathy as Lina revealed the complexity of her situation. I glance down at my watch. Normally if this were any other student, I wouldn't have cared. But this is Lina fucking Tate. The woman who has been on my mind every day since our kiss.

"You could come with me. I'm heading to London for a conference." It was the way she looked at me, the hesitance in her eyes-fuck-am I pushing it too much? "Or not, completely up to you-"

"I would love too, if it won't bother you much." She whispers. "But if this is because you feel bad or-"

"No, come. I wouldn't mind the company actually." I speak.

A genuine smile broke across Lina's face, and for a moment, the weariness seemed to lift. "Thank you, Mr Kane. I really appreciate it."

"Marco, Lina, we are on a break? No?"

"Yes we are, Marco." She speaks.

"Grab your essentials, pack them neatly in a functional suitcase, and meet me in my office in twenty minutes," I instructed, noting the urgency in my tone. Lina swiftly gathered her belongings, hastily folding papers and stuffing them into her bag before rushing past me.

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