Chapter Twenty-Six

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"She is finally asleep

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"She is finally asleep."

"I cannot believe they're in Paris." He speaks, shuffling his laptop from his lap and onto the bedside table as I slide inside. "Thank you, for your help today."

"No worries, I enjoy babies-they're cute and tiny." I chuckle out. "But the question is...why don't you?"

Marco chuckles softly, his gaze drifting to the window where the city lights twinkle in the distance. "It's not that I don't enjoy babies," he begins, his voice thoughtful. "It's more about the responsibility, you know? The idea of being responsible for another life, shaping their future... It's a lot to wrap my head around."

I nod in understanding, letting his words sink in.

"I get that," I reply, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "It's a huge responsibility, and not everyone is ready for it. But who knows, maybe one day you'll change your mind."

He smiles softly, the corners of his lips lifting. "Maybe," he says, his gaze softening as he looks at me.

"But I think you'd make a great dad someday. You're caring, responsible, and patient."

He looks at me, a hint of surprise in his eyes. "You really think so? We had to get out a YouTube tutorial on changing a diaper."

I release a laugh, shaking my head.

I turn my head and see him already looking at me, "why are you looking at me like that?" I smirk.

Marco's gaze softens, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Because I can't help it," he replies, his voice barely above a whisper.

My heart skips a beat at his words, a rush of warmth flooding through me. "Well, stop it," I tease, though the fluttering in my stomach tells me I don't want him to.

He reaches out, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I can't promise that," he murmurs, his touch sending shivers down my spine.

Leaning closer, our lips meet in a tender kiss, the world around us fading away as we lose ourselves in each other.

But for some reason, this kiss felt somewhat real?

The way his hands rush into my hair, felt different than all the other times. And I don't know if maybe I was...doing something i shouldn't.

Like letting my heart flutter.

This was supposed to be a no feeling thing, but then...for me, on my side it got involved.

Because I think I'm starting to like him.

As the kiss deepens, I can't help but wonder if Marco feels the same way I do. Is this just another casual encounter for him, or is there something more behind his touch, his kiss?

But then, I push those thoughts aside, focusing on the warmth of his lips against mine, the way his hands explore my hair, my back, pulling me closer until there's no space left between us.

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