Chapter Eight

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One week later

The students filed into the lecture room, finding their seats. Penelope and Lina, inseparable as always, took their customary places beside each other. The anticipation in the room was palpable as they settled in.

"Last week, you had your clinical rotations, which is why I pushed the lecture for today. We will be going through the exam questions. One of you did very well, scoring one hundred percent on the exam," I announced, and a wave of surprise and curiosity swept through the room.

Whispers and murmurs circulated as eyes darted around, attempting to discern who the high achiever might be.

"Well done, Miss Tate," I continued, acknowledging the outstanding performance. Lina's face displayed a mix of shock and pride, capturing the attention of her peers.

Her classmates offered congratulatory words, and a genuine sense of admiration rippled through the room. It was evident that Lina's accomplishment had taken everyone by surprise, and deep down, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction for her.

Good girl, Polo.

I continued the lecture by going through all the questions, making sure everyone understood where they went wrong. Every now and then, I just see Lina staring at her paper, with achievement in her eyes.

As the lecture concluded, the rustle of papers and the zipping of bags filled the room as students began to pack their things. The reminder about the impending exam and the incentive of a trip to Switzerland lingered in the air, injecting a sense of urgency and motivation into the atmosphere.

"Your exam is tomorrow. Just before winter break, I expect you all to do your best. Also, we have the trip to Switzerland for those who achieve over ninety percent. Do your best," I reiterated, offering a final encouragement to the departing students.

The lecture room gradually emptied, desks clattering as chairs were pushed in, and footsteps echoed in the hallway. Yet, amidst the commotion, Lina remained standing by my desk, a confident smile playing on her lips.

I looked up from organising my materials, meeting her gaze with a nod. "Something i can help you with, Miss Tate?"

Her smile widened, a glint of determination in her eyes.

"Thank you." She whispers. "For your help...I never thought that i would get one hundred percent."

I returned her gratitude with a nod, appreciating the sincerity in her words. "You're welcome, Miss Tate. Your hard work and dedication are paying off. Believe in yourself, and you might surprise even your own expectations."

Her smile held a newfound confidence. The glint of determination in her eyes spoke volumes about the resilience that had brought her to this point.

As she started to leave, she paused for a moment, glancing back at me. "Mr. Kane, about the Canada trip..."

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