Chapter Seven

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Author: make sure to vote!! It means a lot to me and makes me want to upload more! Also, share the book with your friends!!

Ms Anderson unlocks a door in the hallway, and the moment she pushed it open-I felt like I was in heaven. The staff bathrooms. This is some A class shit, own shower rooms-own hairdryers.

"This is for teachers only, the female ones are closed because of some plumbing issues-but no one will come in-I will lock the door and slide the key under for you."

"Thank you so much." I speak.

"How are you feeling?"

"I don't remember anything that happened, I just remember waking up in my dorm room." I whisper, she sighs and shuts the door behind her.

"Well, you took a substantial amount of drugs combined with alcohol. You won't remember anything; it will, however, slowly come back to you."

"I know," I said, settling my things onto the counter. "Thank you for helping me."

"Oh love, it wasn't me-it was Mr Kane who actually saved your life." I rose a brow, "Penelope and Jim brought you to him and he stayed with you the entire night."


Shock wasn't the right word for this, that means Mr Kane saw me in a vulnerable state. And the fact that I don't remember anything makes it so much worse, I hope I didn't embarrass myself. Ms Anderson shows me how to use the showers. They even have their own shampoo, conditioner and body wash. Towels are stacked beside each shower cubicle-this is heaven.

Just as she said, she locks the door and leaves the key right under.

I pick the key up and leave it beside my things before undressing and heading into the shower, the water felt so nice against my skin.

As I stepped into the shower, the warm water cascaded down, soothing every inch of my body. The sensation was a stark contrast to the usual chilly showers in the girls' locker room.

Under the gentle flow of the water, I felt a sense of rejuvenation washing over me. The stress and disorientation from the night before seemed to melt away with each droplet. It was a rare moment of tranquility in the midst of chaos.

After luxuriating in the shower, I emerged feeling refreshed, wrapping myself in one of the soft towels provided. I head out towards my things, and I change into my red bra and matching underwear. Just as I was about to slide on my joggers-the door is suddenly unlocked and my eyes widen.

I'm allowed to be in here, so why the hell am I in a shower cubicle?

"Call me if anything happens." His voice.

I know that voice.

I use the crack in the door to see, and notice Mr Kane settling his things onto the counter-right next to mine. But he doesn't seem to realise it because my towel is on top of the bag, I watch as he slides his shirt off- fuck. Me.

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