Character Info - (#1)

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So, I've been binging ATLA these last few days for probably the 5th time in my lifetime, and I'm obsessed all over again. I do think It's time I try writing a story that isn't within the story line of a video game. And since there aren't many ATLA stories, I thought why not give it a shot. So, let's get started.


Name: Koji

Height: 5'3

Age: 15

Faction: Fire Nation


Iroh (Father) 

Iroh (Father) 

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Zuko (Cousin)

Azula (Cousin)

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Azula (Cousin)

Azula (Cousin)

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Fire Lord Ozai (Uncle)

Fire Lord Ozai (Uncle)

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Ursa (Aunt): 

Ursa (Aunt): 

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Mai (Friend)

Mai (Friend)

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-Other stuff-

Love Interest: Ty Lee

Love Interest: Ty Lee

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Just the basic stuff here for Character number 1.

This was going to be a Male reader character, but I figured I could add an OC and also make a Male reader character as well. Put boththem on either side. But then I realized it will be double the work because there is an extra character I have to write.

I'll see about it. If you all want, I can flip it, and make this character the male reader (You) and the OC will be the character on the Avatar's side.

Be sure to vote and add story to Library/Reading lists, will definitely impact how far this story goes. 

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