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This is the longest chapter so far, hope you're all immersed!



You led the Avatar and his friends toward the Beifong estate. You had an unnerving feeling about this, but Aang was the avatar, and the avatar's eyes lit up in delight, "There it is! The flying boar from my vision!" He exclaimed, running around to the back of their property, Sokka and Katara trailing behind him. 

"Guys, this is private property-" You stopped yourself mid-sentence, facepalming. "Ugh, Whatever." You ran to catch up with them.

When you caught up with them, breathing deeply, Aang Airbended everyone over the estate walls and into the courtyard. It was a weird sensation, but fun nonetheless. "What's the plan now?" You asked quietly, as the four of you tip-toed through the courtyard, sticking to the bushes to stay out of sight.

"I don't know, find the Blind Bandit?" Sokka said in a whisper, not trying to attract attention. As you began to look around, you felt a small vibration below you. Then, it got more intense until the earth beneath the four of you suddenly spurted up, launching you in the air.

You landed back first into a large bush, as did Katara and Aang. Sokka on the other hand, wasn't so lucky; having landed face first on the hard grass with a groan.

A girl eventually approached Aang as he lay on the bush. "What're you doing here, Twinkle toes?" She asked, seeming rather annoyed at your trespassing.

"How'd you know it was me?" Aang asked, looking back at her while lying on the bush.

Sokka pushed himself off of the ground, "Don't answer to 'twinkle toes', it's not Manly!" 

"You're the one who's purse matches his belt." Katara said defensively in reply as she stood from the bush.

"How did you find me?" The former champion questioned. You looked her over, she wore a white dress, had black hair, and you already passed the flying boar symbol; everything from Aang's vision was lining up. The only thing he forgot to mention was how pretty she looked. You couldn't really tell from the stands back in the tournament arena, but now she was right in front of you. 

"Well, a crazy king told me I had to find an earthbender who listens to the earth, then, I had a vision in a magic swamp-" Toph raised her eyebrows in disbelief as Aang continued, "And-" 

Katara had to intervene, "-What Aang is trying to say is that he is the Avatar, and if he doesn't master earthbending soon, he won't be able to defeat the fire lord." Katara explained, taking a step closer to Toph.

The former champion pointed at you with your arms crossed, "Why not him?" 

"What?" You said in surprise, uncrossing your arms.

"Why can't you teach him Earthbending?" She asked, gesturing to Aang. "I know you can bend too, so don't lie!" She was obviously angry.

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