Introduction - 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛

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Koji was still a young boy, no older then 11 when he accompanied his father, Iroh, to the Temple of the Sun warriors. The man always wore a smile, and every he opened his mouth, great wisdom followed, he was a wise and compassionate general. But now, he was just a troubled old man, dealing with the loss of his eldest son.

Koji and Iroh had been traveling alone for a couple days on foot when they were finally nearing the destination. Great structures and pillars of stone were erected high from the hidden civilization that laid ahead. 

"Whoa." You breathed; your young voice pitched high.

"Impressive, Isn't It?" Iroh said, his voice thick and heavy hanging. It wasn't much time ago when Lu Ten, Koji's big brother whom he never knew, was killed at war in Ba Sing Seh. Koji didn't feel too bad about it, he didn't know him. 

But he felt for his father, he was a mess after he returned from war. He was clowned and ridiculed for having retreated 'Just because his son died'. Azula even made fun of Iroh, saying his shouldn't have come home crying after Lu Ten died, but instead burned Ba Sing Seh to the ground. 

As Koji and Iroh trekked down a lush hill, the temple of the sun warrior civilization not too far ahead. Koji looked up at his father staring down at the ground as he walked, his hands clasped behind his back; It appeared as if he were deep in thought. 

"Father..." Koji said walking close behind him. 

He slightly looked over his shoulder, "What are you thinking about?" 

Iroh inhaled deep through his nostrils before answering, his hand moving up to stroke his beard. "Some troubling things, my son." 

Koji looked down at his feet for a moment, trying to guess at the answer to his question, then looked back up to Iroh. "Like what?" 

Iroh stepped over to a small rock and sat on it. "Your uncle has killed your grandfather and taken my place as fire lord." 

Koji sat down in front of him, legs crossed. "Why would he do that?" Koji asked.

"Because his hunger for power, outweighed his love for his father." Iroh said, sadness in his voice. 

Koji imagined himself committing such a heinous act and rebuked the thought immediately.  The thought of ending Iroh's life was outright disgusting to Koji. 

Koji stood quickly, stomping a foot on the ground. "I would never do that to you, father!" You exclaimed proudly. 

Iroh stood, clenching his right fist and covering it with his palm; he brought his hands to his chest and bowed. Koji did the same. 

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