Prologue - 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚛𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚗

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A/N - Sorry this took so long to come out, I caught a fever, (or probably whatever covid is) and did not feel like writing. You want to know what I did do? Sleep. I don't normally stay in bed when I'm sick, but this time, oh my- sleeping never felt better bro. Besides the pounding headache that I head, it felt kind of nice to just lay in bed, watching "The Chosen". I felt so warm under my blankets and everything, I can't really describe it. Anyway, enjoy.



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It was late into a beautiful evening in the earth kingdom town of Gaoling, the starry night sky was lit up with stars, the moon shone down brightly in the night sky, and leaves gently blew every which way from the cool breeze.

It was perfect nights like this where you would sneak out of the small orphanage and go to a nearby peak to enjoy the quiet with a nice evening breeze. You enjoyed helping out Miss Chen with the daily chores and teaching the younger children, but you also needed a time to destress from each day's events, and sometimes, your bed wasn't enough.

 The peak overlooked most of the town which lit up the grassy plateau beyond. Miss Chen taught you how to clear your mind and meditate when needed, but you couldn't always do that in the noisy orphanage filled with unruly children. 

It was nice for you to have a spot where you could relax and enjoy peace and quiet and a beautiful scene. There was a large compound in the countryside, that you couldn't help but look at. 

It was the home of the Beifong family, the richest people in town. You wondered what they did with all of that land that they owned. As far as you knew, they didn't have any children, and most of the space they owned was just well managed and there to look nice.

If you owned a compound like that, you would use it to house poorer families in need. Mothers and children who were waiting for their fathers and husbands to return from war. Not to just take up space. 

You didn't dwell on it, you came up here to distract yourself from your small problems, not to create new ones.

Eventually, your eyes grew heavy, and you struggled to stay awake. Normally, you'd fight it, but this time, you slowly let it win, until finally, you drifted off...

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