𝙰𝚗 𝙰𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚘𝚘𝚗

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Miss Chen had sent you out shopping at around noon time, the children were eating up all of the food and the orphanage cabinets needed to be restocked. You half-heartedly went out to collect some more fruit, anything to get out of the orphanage.

The orphanage was just outside of town, so there were only a few houses on the piece of land that it was on. It had nice scenery, but you hated the weekly walks into town for food and supplies for the kids. 

Your mind was blank as you walked, which added to the peacefulness. You would glance over in the distance where a hilly region of the area sat far off of the plateau of land you stood on. It reminded you of how you've never actually left this town at all. Sure, you live just outside of it, but, what if you went beyond that? A part of you did want to explore the world, you just, didn't know how.

 Even if you did, who knows if Miss Chen would let you go? She pretty much relies on you to bring in food. Overwhelmed by the thought of that, you stomped your foot, causing a small boulder to shoot up from the ground, then, with all of you might, you punched the rock into the distance, causing an explosion of fire and earth on impact and sending the miniature boulder into the distance.

You never questioned the fire during your earth bending, even though it seemed only exclusive to you; no one else's rocks and boulders exploded when they bended.

It was a very busy day out. Everywhere you walked in the town, the people were buzzing about the upcoming Earth bending tournament; yeah, not like we're at war with the fire nation. There was talk around town about the new contender, The Boulder, vs "The Blind Bandit" the supposed champ. You wondered if they were actually blind or if it was just part of their character.

You approached the market; the merchant recognized you immediately. "Y/N! My favorite orphan! How's the wife and kids?" You asked with a suave and jokey smile as he leaned over the counter.

You shot him a confused look as you picked out some vegetables from the stock. "Wish I had a wife..." You chuckled. "And the kids are doing okay, they go through all our food in a weekend but, you know." You shrugged.

"That's good, and Miss Chen? Are you taking good care of her?" he asked. It was a textbook question you learned to be prepared to answer.

You slightly smiled, "Still the best mom in the world." You replied before shooting him a knowing look. "Why do you ask, Moojie?" You grabbed an armful of apples and dropped them into a large sack.

Moojie grew a wide smile. "Well, you see son, when you get older and lonelier, you start to desire for 'The One'-" Moojie started, about to begin a whole rant about... other stuff.

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