𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝙱𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚝

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After finally bending the last miniscule pebble out of your irritated eyes, you made your way up to the stands with the Gaang, who all looked you over with concern.

"Y/N! Are you okay?" Katara asked, being the first one to stand up after she noticed you.

You nodded to the side, "I'll be alright." You spoke.

"You did great out there!" She said reassuringly. You nodded in appreciation before looking down to Aang, directing your attention to him. "Any other Earthbenders here catch your eye?" You asked him.

Aang shook his head, "Not like you did, nobody here seems to listen, their just throwing rocks and earth pillars at each other."

You nodded to the side, "Well, that's kinda what these people pay for, so."

Sokka and Katara share a glance, Sokka's giving the "I told you so."

Sokka then looked to you, a thought occurring to him, "Hold on..." Sokka chimed in, "Why didn't you tell us you were fighting in this tournament?" He asked questioningly.

You looked at the three of them, who waited expectantly for an answer, "Because I never planned to, Xin Fu came to the Orphanage after you guys left. He said he heard talk about me around town, so he came and asked me to fight. He guaranteed that I'd get enough money to leave Miss Chen set while I was gone with you, just in case you didn't find a teacher."

"Hmmm, Kinda sounds like you want to go." Sokka said in a jokey tone.

You grinned, "Maybe I do. There is something about Aang that I can't put my finger on. I want to find out what that is, and perhaps teach him how to Earthbend in the process."

Aang nodded in agreement, "I feel that way about you too, and it's also something subtle with your earthbending."

You furrowed your brows, "That's what Xin Fu said about my earthbending."

Speaking of Xin Fu, he was now in the middle of the Arena, being raised up by a large earth pillar. "And Now..." He began as the lights began to dim, "The Moment you've all been waiting for, The Boulder vs. The Blind Bandit!"

The lights go bright again, revealing a small girl with black hair holding up the champions belt under the loud cheering of the crowd. She was literally half the size of the female assistants standing next to her. As the lights finally brighten up, The Blind Bandit hands her belt to one assistant, while the other removes her cape, and they both walk off the arena.

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