Chapter 2: Election Announcements

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Technoblade POV

Y/N was gone for longer than she usually is. Not that I'm worried. She's a decent fighter, she can take care of herself. I look at the stack of papers on the table and sigh. Letters from Wilbur, talking about a possible election. Letters from Tommy about everything and nothing, or himself. People asking for my help in wars, all over the kingdoms. I move those aside and look at the one from Phil. The only one worth my time to respond to. Talking about life and asking about mine. I grab a quill and some ink, and start writing. I write about how my potatoes are going, I write about the Greek myths I read about. I write about my training, the letters from the people et cetra, before giving it to a dove and sending it away. After that, I do the only logical thing, and farm potatoes. 

A few hours pass, and I hear my door open. I peek around the corner to see Y/N. She seems more tired than usual, as well as out of breath. "Took you long enough!" I call and she jumps. That is odd. Something must've happened on the trip. She never would've jumped because of someone merely yelling before. "Sorry" she mumbles, putting the map and spare emeralds on the table. I gesture to her, motioning her to help with the potatoes. She was distracted, staring off into the distance, barely planting anything. She was also barely talking, which is odd, because she never stops talking. "What happened on your trip?" I ask, and she shrugs, looking down at the potato. "Nothing really. Just saw someone I haven't seen in a while, and didn't expect to see." she replied. I just nod in response and continued to farm potatoes. If she wanted to talk about it, she would. Which she probably wouldn't, as it most likely has something to do with her past. And she doesn't talk about it at all. All I know is she was living in the nether for who knows how long until I found her, and she's good at survival skills. We continue farming potatoes, until she leaves to sleep. 


I hide in a bush near the hill within L'Manburg. It brings up memories, too many memories. Wilbur sits at the top, holding his guitar, strumming softly, singing a song. It tells the start of L'Manburg, tells our story, tells everything. 

"Maybe, I don't want to play their game."

"Maybe, I want things to change."

He sings softly and beautifully, somehow more beautiful than I remember. I feel the emotion in these words, understand them if they were my own. I must've not been careful enough at hiding, as he gets up and starts to walk towards where I was hiding. I freeze, before running down the side of the hill and behind a tree. He looks in the bush, almost disappointed, before leaving. I listen for a few more minutes until the song is over, before looking up at the sun, which was setting fast. "Shit" I thought. Techno would probably kill me. I jump on my horse and rush home as fast as possible. 

I try to enter the house silently, but of course, he can hear me enter. "Took you long enough!" he calls out suddenly, and I jump. I place the map and spare emeralds on the table, and go help with the potatoes, until I can't anymore, and lay down, desperately trying to sleep, but failing, stupid thoughts filling my head.

Wilbur POV

I walk towards Tommy's new tower in the holy land near church prime, to have a small meeting with him. Nobody listens, fighting is happening within L'Manburg, our place of peace, by our own people. This isn't what L'Manburg is for, this is the opposite of what we fought for. I climb up the tower, where Tommy was waiting. "WILBUR, WHAT'S UP, MY MAN!" Tommy yells, and I smile. "Hello Tommy." I say, and he grins, before jumping into a full rant about the new church prime and his new tower. Man, he is obsessed with those. I wait for him to finish talking about it, so I can have this important conversation with his full attention. "Look, Tommy, I want to talk to you about something." I state, looking out the window and at the view of L'Manburg. "We need power." I say, turning to Tommy. "Oh yeah?" Tommy says, intrigued. "No one listens to us, no one cares about our power." I say angrily, fists clenched. Tommy starts to say something, but I ignore him and continue talking. "Now, Tommy, we could do the dictatorship route, or we could, and this will be a bit harder, we could go the democratic route." I say thoughtfully. "What are you saying, Wilbur?" Tommy asks, confused. "What if we hold an election, and not tell anyone we're holding an election, and we shut the ballot when it's only me as president and you as vice-president running. And when the vote comes, they have to vote for us!" I explain proudly. Tommy stays silent for a few seconds, then smirks. "Let's do it, Wilbur, that's genius!" Tommy yells, and I smile, before we both start running to L'Manburg, to set it all up. We write our policies, and begin running to L'Manburg, before bumping into Quackity. "Hey Quackity!" I greet cheerfully. "Hey fellas, what's up?" Quackity asks. "Oh, we are just finishing writing up our policies." I reply. Quackity raises his eyebrows, and I turn to Tommy. "Should we tell him?" I ask Tommy, and he nods. "We are running for President!" I cheer, walking into L'Manburg, Tommy and Quackity close behind. We run in, and I read the policies, explaining everything to Quackity, who just nods. "So... what do you think?" Tommy asks Quackity who is silent throughout all of this. "I... I DON'T LIKE ANY OF IT, I HATE ALL OF IT!" Quackity yells. "WHAT?" Tommy yells in outrage. "Wait, what?" I ask in shock. Suddenly, Quackity climbs onto a platform in the main square of L'Manburg. "I have an announcement!" he shouts. "You are a threat to our democracy. Wilbur, I will be running against you!" 

A/N. Hello everyone! Sorry about how long it took to write this chapter! I had to recap on this part of the lore, and hopefully I will be able to update more often. Also, I'd like to rant about homework. I think it's absolutely stupid. We go to school, do work there, and then the teacher gives us work at the very end of class for us to do at home. It's stupid! When are you supposed to have free time, or a break! Sorry for my rant, lol. Anyway, if you have any suggestions/things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Thank you so much for reading, and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1194 words! :)

Until L'Manburg's Destroyed and Gone | Book Two of Love is a WarWhere stories live. Discover now