Chapter 12: Princesa, Mi Riena

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Alyssa POV (ew, she's back)

I sit at my camp in the middle of a forest, cooking some steak in the shadows of the tree. Alone, constantly, except for the occasional wandering soul. They are now dead. No one shall learn of my existence in this forest, at least for now. I need to plan Wilbur's death. Y/N's was already taken care of, or so I've heard, but I will not rest until the both of them are dead, revenge for all the pain they've caused me, Dream, and everyone else who got wrapped up in their disgusting, twisted, copy of Romeo and Juliet love story. I hear a twig snap. Or I'm insane. Probably both. Another snaps, someone is definitely here. I'll be a good person, and show them the fastest way out. I hear voices. "Schlatt, can we leave yet? This forest gives me the fucking creeps." the voice yells. I grab my bow and arrow, and sneak over. "Not until we see if the rumours are true, if our potential ally lives here." another person, presumably Schlatt, replied. I sneak closer, bow ready to fire. A guy with suspenders and a beanie, and a ram-hybrid with a shit-eating grin were in front of me. I listen as Schlatt talks more. He sounds familiar, and his build reminds me of someone, not sure who. He sees me. "Alyssa! Hello! I'm Schlatt, but you probably already know that. So pleased to make your acquaintance!" Schlatt says, holding his hand out for a shake. I hold out my bow, aiming. "What do you want" I say, narrowing my eyes. Schlatt laughs, and his friend joins in. "Straight to the point, I see. I want a partnership, to be allies, after all, we have a common enemy, and a common ally." he states. "And who might that be?" I ask, intrigued. It's not every day people come to your neck of the forest just to seek an alliance from you. Especially a ram-hybrid wearing a suit, apparently having the same enemies as you. "You hate Wilbur, and Y/N, right?" he says, raising his eyebrows knowingly. Shaking his hand, I grin as he smiles, knowing he won. "I'm listening"


I decided to walk to Manburg first, and see if my father is really just a monster. There has to be some heart, or love, somewhere in him. It's impossible for someone being completely heartless. As I walk towards Manburg, I see something that breaks my heart. The walls, the walls we worked for, they're being torn down. By Fundy, by Niki, by the people of Manburg. I clench my fists, continuing on. The people look sad, depressed, and overworked. House's looked abandoned, but people still live in them, wearing ragged, old, clothes. Dirt poor. I hand a few diamonds to everyone, before continuing to walk to the newly built White house. It looks ugly. Seems like something Schlatt would live in. As I get closer, my heart sinks even further. The sight of it is a reminder of what once was, the corruption that has taken hold, and the suffering of the people of Manburg under Schlatt's rule, as people walk out of the building looking defeated. I approach the guard standing watch outside the White House, a short man with dark hair and a beanie. They eye me with a mischievous glint in their eye, as if they knew something I didn't. "I need to speak to Schlatt," I say firmly, my voice betraying a hint of desperation. "It's urgent." He looks at me curiously. "Schlatt's busy. But I'm free. The name's Quackity." he winks. "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you, but I need to see him," I insist, trying to keep my voice steady despite the anxiousness brewing inside me. It's been years. What would he be like? Quackity's eyes widen. Without a moment's hesitation, he steps aside, motioning for me to enter. "Follow me, princesa" he says, and I roll my eyes. What a flirt! I step through the doors of the White House, the air heavy with tension. I'm led through winding corridors in silence, until we reach a set of ornate double doors. Quackity knocks once, with a muffled "come in" given in response.  "Good luck in there!" Quackity says, before pushing them open, revealing a large office with Schlatt seated behind a massive desk, a sneer playing at the corners of his lips. "Y/N, what a surprise!" Schlatt drawls. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what comes next. "Hello, father," I say, my voice steady despite the roiling emotions within me. Schlatt's smirk falters for a moment, before returning to a self-satisfied smirk. That moment gave me the confidence, that there was, somewhere, a piece of him that cared. "You're ruining L'Manburg." I say, the words tumbling out before I can stop them. "It was, it is, my home, and you're hurting the people inside, and tearing down it's walls, why?" Schlatt's expression hardens, his eyes narrowing. "And why should I care? You come in here, bursting into my office, demanding I should change how I'm ruling. Don't forget I won this election, they voted for ME, they wanted this. You wanted this when you and Clay, sorry Dream, ran off away!" he ranted, and my fists clenched. "You think I WANTED this? All I WANTED was a father!" I yelled. For a moment, there's a tense silence between us, the air thick with unspoken threats and simmering anger. But then, to my surprise, Schlatt's smirk returns, broader than before. "Fine," he says, leaning back in his chair with a smug grin. "I'll change how I'm doing this, for you. But I'll need you by my side, helping me rule, the, uh.... Chief Justice of Manburg." he said, leaning back in his chair. "Fine." I say, not caring anymore. "Quackity!" Schlatt yelled, as the door opened and Quackity's head poked in. "Show my daughter to her room" he ordered, using the words as a weapon, to try to hurt me. It did. I walk out of the room, as Quackity walked beside me. "Seem's like we'll see a lot more of each other, princesa" Quackity flirted. "Can you stop calling me that?" I ask, exasperated. "As you wish, mi riena" he winked, and I sigh in defeat. At least the room was big, and had a paper for me to write a letter to Techno, detailing how I'm now in a high position for Manburg, and I'll come visit the next day. As I'm sending the letter away, with the dove from before, a knock comes at my door. I open it slowly, to see Tubbo. "Y-" he starts before I pull him in quickly. 

A/N haiiiiiiii. Hope everyone is doing well. Wanted to let you know that I posted the first few chapters of my Tommy x Reader (the one I did for school). It's under my profile if you're interested :))) Also, ew Alyssa is back. I hate her (character in the book, not the cc, she's sweet). Alas, we need the character for a certain... event... coming up. Anyway, if you have any suggestions/things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Thank you so much for reading, and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1255 words! :)

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