Chapter 13: Dresses and Dinner

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"Tubbo, what are you doing here?" I ask in shock. I thought he would've gone to Pogtopia with Tommy and Wilbur, considering they are best friends. "I'm Schlatt's right-hand man, I'm getting information for Wilbur, to help them with... their plans" Tubbo said, stuttering over the last bit. I shake my head at how bad Tubbo is at hiding things. "Tubbo, what aren't you saying?" I say, staring at him curiously, waiting him to break and spill everything. "Hey, have you heard about the festival Manburg's having to celebrate its freedom and stuff?" Tubbo stuttered? "Very exciting, now do I have to go to Manburg and ask them what the plans are myself, or will you tell me, because you know I'll find out one way or another." I state, crossing my arms. Tubbo sighs, looking more tired than he ever did, even during the war. "They are planning on blowing it up. Manburg. Gone, with a push of a button." he explains, as the blood drains from my face. "When" I whisper, face void of emotion. L'Manburg was my home, where I found my freedom. It has changed, but the memories haven't. No matter how much I wish they did. "Tomorrow. At the festival. I give the word at the end of my speech." Tubbo say, and I grab my stuff, fully intending to sprint over to Pogtopia and give Wilbur a piece of my mind, but Tubbo stops me. "Hey, wait!" he whisper-shouts, and I stop, turning around and staring. "We need to stop them!" I say angrily, and he nods. "I agree, and I don't want L'Manburg to blow up either." he says, emphasizing L'Manburg, what it once was. "But is it really a good idea to march over there, after your last conversation with Wilbur, and considering you just left for who knows how long to live with Dream, and now Schlatt, his enemies? Doe's he even knows how you and Schlatt are related?" Tubbo asks, and I shake my head. "No, and I don't see how it's his problem" I state angrily, continuing to grab my stuff when Tubbo grabs me. "Hey, don't act like you don't care, everyone can see you do, except for him, so it's pretty pointless." he says, and smiles weakly. "And plus, you can't leave yet, Schlatt wants to see you for dinner" he says, and I nod weakly. He walks towards the closet in the corner of the room. "That's the whole reason he wanted me to come here, to tell you that, and to show you this", he says grabbing a fancy green dress out of the closet.

(This is how I imagined the hair and dress to look, and I wanted to add something for people if they want to use it to imagine, feel free to change it to whatever you want)

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(This is how I imagined the hair and dress to look, and I wanted to add something for people if they want to use it to imagine, feel free to change it to whatever you want)

"He wants me to wear a fancy poofy dress, to dinner?" I say, wrinkling my nose. I mean, yes, it's very beautiful, but it's dinner? Not a fancy dance. Tubbo snickers as I stare at the dress in fear. I haven't worn a dress since I was a child. "I'll let you do it, oh, and I heard some rumours that Dream might be there, so beware" he half-joked, before leaving the room. I stare at the dress and sigh. I guess I have to get the stupid dress on.

Putting on the stupid piece of fabric took a whole 10 minutes, and multiple instances of me almost cutting the dress into a billion tiny pieces. But I survived, and I lay on my bed to hear a knock at the door. "Come in" I groan, thinking it was Tubbo, here to make fun of me, Dream, to be annoying, or Schlatt, to force me down the stairs for dinner, when it was none of those people. It was a small, blonde girl who is one of the sweetest, if not the sweetest, person on earth. Niki!!!!!!!!! "Hi Y/N! It's been a while, Schlatt sent me to do hair and makeup." she said, smiling weakly while bringing in a bag of stuff into the room. "For a fucking dinner? Oh my god" I groan again before getting up and giving Niki a hug. "I missed you, and I'm sorry." I say, hugging her. She smiles. "You've done nothing wrong, I've heard everything from everyone, you are quite the talk of the town!" she giggles, hugging me back, before guiding me to a nearby chair and beginning to do my hair. "How's the bakery" I ask, and she grimaces. "Not very great, taxes have been going up, and it's getting hard to afford it. I might have to sell it soon." she explains sadly. I try to stay still, but it's hard not to give a hug to her. "Niki, I promise, we will fix everything." I swear, and she smiles. "I hope so" she says softly, finishing my hair. "Ok, let's work on makeup, close your eyes" she orders, and I close them softly. "Is it true that Dream's going to be there?" I ask. "Yeah, he wants it to be some fancy family dinner. Dream even arrived in a suit, surprisingly" she said, and I smile softly. Dream hates suits, at least I won't be going through this torture alone. "And... done" she grins, and I open my eyes. "Niki, this is amazing!" I exclaim, grinning. She smiles. "It's all you, Y/N, you are so pretty! Anyway I have to go back to the bakery, cook a bit for tomorrow, but I'll see you soon!" she smiles, and I nod. "Wish me luck down there." I say, half joking, and she smirks, as we leave the room together, before walking our separate ways. As I reach the doors to the dining room, I freeze, before forcing myself to open the door and enter the room.

Hello everyone, sorry for taking a while, but posting this on the one year anniversary of the Dream SMP ending seems fitting. Also, if anyone wants to do math for me, I have tons of math homework to get done! Jk, lmao. Also, here's a fun discord server to join!

Anyway, if you have any suggestions/things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Thank you so much for reading, and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1100 words:)

Until L'Manburg's Destroyed and Gone | Book Two of Love is a WarWhere stories live. Discover now