Chapter 10: Explanation

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Wilbur POV

Everyone goes inside, consumed in their own thoughts, and sits down, except for Technoblade, who stands. "Well, go on then" Tommy urges, and Techno rolls his eyes. "Tommy, how about you, me, and Tubbo go minin'. I think they need privacy, to talk, or whatever" Techno says awkwardly. "Uhm, I need to go do something anyway." Y/N stated, emotionless. Techno narrows his eyes. "Listen, if we want to succeed in this plan, we need to work together. And we can't work together if you and Wilbur have your... whatever, history thing. So deal with it." Techno demanded, before walking out with a pickaxe, Tommy and Tubbo following behind. The door shut, and we both sat there, awkward, and silent. Y/N sighed. "You said you didn't have a choice. Explain." she ordered, and I nod, staring at the ground.

"L'Manburg was independent. L'Manburg was free. Finally, after all this time, we could live in peace. We were celebrated, hugging, smiling, when I saw Dream standing outside the walls of L'Manburg. I excused myself to see what he wants. "Hello Dream!" I greeted cheerfully. "How are you? How are you all? We've just written our decree. It's very well worded, I'd say. It's all completely set up. It's been a pleasure working with you! It's been an absolute pleasure!" I rambled on. "I agree" Dream cuts in, but I continued to speak. "Clashing with you and, I don't know where you guys will go from now. I don't know where you are off to. Dream? May I refer to you as king Dream? Lord Dream? What would you like?" I asked. "I'd like... to cash in my favour" Dream said. The favour from the bow duel."

"Favour from the bow duel?" Y/N asked confused. "Yeah, if Dream won, the deal was that he'd get a favour, along with Mellohi." I explained. "Ok, makes sense. That sounds... a lot like my brother, actually." she commented.

"What is it?" I asked, nervously. "I want you, to kick Y/N out of L'Manburg. Effective immediately." Dream said. "You want me to... what?" I asked, barely a whisper, all the blood draining out of my face. "I want you to kick Y/N out of L'Manburg." Dream repeated "... Why..." I asked, trembling. After all of our fighting, for the freedom, so we could finally be happy, and he wanted to take it all away. "Well, she isn't supposed to be there anyway, and, well, I don't want her to be hanging out with you, or whatever it is you two have going on. If you kick her out, she'll most likely come back to me, and we'll have the status quo" Dream explained, as I just stood there, unmoving. "Dream, you can't just... You don't expect me to... Anything else, please." I begged, and he shook his head. "That's the favour. And you wouldn't want to break the deal that helped get you your independence?" Dream asked, smug."

Y/N sat silent. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked softly. "You sacrificed so much already. How could I in good conscience ask you to leave?" I said. "You hurt me, deeply, to keep your conscience. We could've figured out a plan. But instead, you chose the easy way out." she said, shaking her head. She stared at me softly, before getting up. "I'm going to go collect some supplies." she said, before walking out.


I lied. Technically, I'm not getting supplies. Well, not in their sense. In my opinion, knowledge is a supply that wins or loses a war. More useful than any weapon. That's why I am currently on my horse, riding towards the SMP, to have a few words with my brother. Whom I haven't seen in 6 months, and apparently got me kicked out of my home. Pog! The house looked different, in a good way, but also in a way that made you wonder what happened while you were gone. I knocked, unconsciously reaching for my nonexisting mask. After a few moments, George slowly and cautiously opens the door. He stares at me for a few seconds, scanning me up and down, eyes landing on my sword. "Can I help you...? He asks slowly, and that's when I realized that he doesn't recognize me without my mask. That's when I see someone behind George come towards the door, walking slowly, but confidently, like he could do no wrong, and even if he did, nothing could stop him. The walk of a boy I grew up with. My brother.

A/N Sorry for kinda disappearing for... a long time. You guys didn't deserve that, and I'll try to update more frequently again. Also, I'd like your guys ideas on what you'd like to see during the filler chapters. You guys give really good ideas, and it really helps me write the story! Also, I'm sure everyone is aware of the recent stuff happening in the fandom. I wanted to let you know that my dms are open if you ever need to talk, and here is a discord server made by some other fans of the mcyt community for getting through it, together. Here is the link if you are interested, I highly recommend, the people are so nice. 

Anyway, if you have any suggestions/things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Thank you so much for reading, and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 944 words! :)

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