Chapter 5: Forget

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I rode back to the base in silence. I was hoping it would somehow give me closure, but it didn't. I think it actually gave me less closure. But I had to do it. He showed me sympathy, at that time, even though in the end, he broke my heart. Just like Dream had told me. L'Manburgian's are monsters. Or their President, at least. Techno somehow could guess I wasn't in my right mind when I got home. He brought me to the training area, and gave me a wooden sword to spar with. We got in position, and began to fight, silent except for the sound of the wood, knocking against each other. "Don't aim for the sword, aim for me." he says, and I refocus my attacks. Techno is one of the best at sword fighting, if not the best, going head-to-head with my brother multiple times. Suddenly, he relaxed his technique, which created a weak spot near his stomach. "So, how's L'Manburg?" he asked, and I momentarily lost focus, allowing him to hit me with his sword, and knock me to the ground with a thud. "Listen, I don't know what your deal is with L'Manburg, but it distracts you, makes you weak. You could've won, but one word caused you to lose focus, and lose the battle." he states, helping me up. He stares at me, gaze strong and regal of a warrior. "The best way to win a fight, is to forget." he says. I stare at him, puzzled. "Forget?" I ask, confused. He nods. "Whatever pain, whatever joy, whatever you care about, forget about it. All it'll do is hurt you, make you weaker. If you have no feelings, nothing they can use to manipulate you, hurt you, you will be stronger in the long run." he explained, and I nod. Looking back, I realize he's right. Looking back, it would've been much easier if I just forgot.

Dream POV

I sat at the second electoral debate, bored out of my mind. To be honest, I don't care that they are holding an election. I just came to support George, and he didn't even show up! I wouldn't either, to be honest. I mean, L'Manburg? I wouldn't of signed up in the first place. I don't see why George did. Soon, Wilbur goes up to the mic, with Quackity and Tommy behind him, staring daggers at each other. "Hello everyone, and welcome to the second presidential debate! Today, we will bring in some endorsements. Let's start with Quackity, and Geo - wait... Where is George, Quackity?" Wilbur questions, smirking. "He's, uhh, busy! Busy doing really important things!" Quackity stammered, and Wilbur smirked. "Ok then, well would you like to start with your endorsements?" Wilbur asked. "Oh, well, KSI was kinda supposed to be here, but, it seems he is running late, so..." Quackity drawls off, looking embarrassed. Disappointed whispers fill the crowd, and Wilbur grins triumphantly. "Well, we have two! So let's get started with Vikkstar!" Wilbur cheers, as the crowd roars with excitement. Vikkstar was famous across the land, for being a part of a secretive group called the Sidemen. No one knows much about them, except for the fact they are very, very, rich. "Hello everyone!" Vikkstar says, coming onto the stage with a microphone. "So, uh, as you know, there is an election coming up, for the presidency of L'Manburg. So I came here to say vote Wilbur and Tommy." Vikkstar says, before retreating back into the shadows. Everyone is silent for a few seconds. "Is that - is that all you're going to say" Tommy asks, chuckling. Vikkstar nods, before walking away, probably back to the sidemen base. "Well... okay then. Quackity, has your endorsement showed up yet?" Wilbur asked. Quackity shook his head. "No, not yet." he muttered. "Okay, well then it's time for our second endorsement, please put your hands together for the one, the only, JSchlatt!" Wilbur yelled, and everyone clapped and cheered. I sat there in shock, as he turned to me and grinned. He can't be back, after we left. "Welcome everybody, I hope you are all having a good time!" he said, slightly swaying. "Schlatt, are you drunk?" Wilbur asks. Of course, he is. "Of course I'm not"he slurred. "Anyway, I was told to endorse this party, POG2020, but let's be honest, they suck. So I'm going to run in my own party, Schlatt 2020!" he yelled. Everybody gasped and went silent, as Tommy and Wilbur pulled him off the stage, as he passed out right after that speech. When he was being dragged, he got hit in the head by a wall, and opened his eyes in shock. He then brushed off Tommy and Wilbur, stood up, and gave me a glare that I learned many years ago to mean to follow him. I thought he'd never be back.

A/N haiiiiiiii. Hope everyone is doing well. Next chapter will be flashbacks, and you won't predict what happens. Also, sorry I didn't write much. I am tired, and I'm doing this on my phone. Anyway, if you have any suggestions/things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Thank you so much for reading, and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 912 words! :)

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