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Jenna fell asleep on the couch watching TV, then she got woken up by her phone ringing, it was burton

"Hey" Jenna said, her voice is raspy there was a bit of silence "look Jenna, the internet is full of you and Emma kissing, I might need to fire you two"

He said, Jenna felt her heart sank into her chest "I understand, but please don't fire Emma, it's my fault" Jenna said with tears in her eyes

"We will talk about this more on Monday" and with that he put the phone down, leaving Jenna alone again

Emma probably got the call too by now, Jenna groaned and decided to stay in for the rest of the weekend

She just layed on the couch, watching TV, sometimes looking at her phone, seeing herself and Emma Kissing, and everything was about her

Jenna got to that point where she turned her phone off completely, and leaving it on the table in the kitchen, not caring at all

She felt like her world is falling apart, and of course tomorrow she has an interview, her, Emma and hunter

Jenna groaned and plopped down on the bed, deciding to read a book, maybe that would help get her mind off of the things currently going on

She started reading, then soon fell asleep, she woke up in the afternoon, well almost at six pm, and all the things came back to her

How could Emma be so rude? Jenna couldn't wrap her mind around it, this was such a strange behavior from the brunette..

She stood up and went to take a bath, taking the book with herself, making a bubbly bath, with some candles, trying to relax a little

And it helped her a lot, she read the book for an hour, then put it aside and just enjoyed the warm water on her skin

She felt sleepy again, so Jenna got out dried herself up, then went back to bed

The next morning her alarm woke her up, she got herself out of bed, and put on some comfortable sweat pants and a T-shirt, which was big on her

Then it was time to go to the interview, Jenna took an Uber there, and when she got there Emma and hunter were already there

She didn't bother to walk up to them, instead she went into the building

Emma on the other hand, felt really guilty about what happened between them, and wanted to make it right

She catched up with the smaller one, and pulled her into the bathroom, which took Jenna by a surprise

"What do you want?" Jenna asked, her tone is tired, not making eye contact at all

"I'm sorry what I said, I understand why you said, what you said, and I want to apologize okay?" Emma said looking down at Jenna

Who finally looked up at her "you hurt me Emma, you really did" the brunette nodded, and pulled the smaller one into a hug

Jenna was hesitant but hugged her back "but I think we still shouldn't be seen together" the brunette nodded in agreement

"I know, I agree, I'm sorry, please forgive me Jenna" Emma said as they pulled apart, the smaller one needed some time to process what happened

"I need some time, but I will text you" Jenna said and walked out of the bathroom, leaving Emma alone there, they all went to the room where the interview were

Jenna sat next to hunter, and she was in the middle, so Emma was on her other side, the woman came and the interview began

"So Jenna, can we get some clues about Wednesday's season two?" The woman asked after ten minutes into the show

"We can't really say anything about it" she said with a smile on her face, the woman nodded

The interview went smoothly "and one final question, I think we have all seen the photo of you two, kissing, does that makes you two an official couple?"

Jenna sighed, and face palmed "nothing is between me and Jenna, thats the end of that, neither of us is comfortable talking about that photo"

Emma said and held Jenna's hand tightly, the smaller one felt relived, the interview was over, they all walked out of the building

"Want to come to my hotel? There's barely any paparazzi's there" Emma said quietly to Jenna, so no one else could hear it

The smaller one nodded, they walked to the Uber, and told him where to go, trough the ride, Emma held Jenna's hand

They got to Emma's hotel, and hurried inside the building "look Emma, you hurt me with what you said, this could end my career, Tim called me yesterday saying he will probably fire me on Monday"

Emma's eyes widened, she took her coat and shoes off "what? I knew nothing about that" the brunette said it quietly

Jenna sighed and put her coat on the coat hanger, then taking her shoes off
Walking into the brunette's bedroom laying down on the bed

Emma followed her "I'm sorry Jenna, I don't know what to do" the brunette said and layed down next to the smaller one

Who just shrugged, and sighed again
Then Emma put her hand on Jenna's hip, pulling her closer

"It's okay, I don't know what will happen, or what to do either" Emma felt really really bad about what she said to Jenna.

Jenna layed her head on the brunette's chest listening to her heart beat it was slow and steady

Things will be alright..

Maybe her career ends..

Maybe not..

We shall see about it..

(Drop your opinion in the comments! have a nice day! thank you for reading!)

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