Chapter 105: Weave of Lies

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"How do you expect me to help you if you don't even remember who I am?" Hana asked, a frown gracing her face.

June sighed and leaned against the counter, looking her dead in the eyes.

"I know you know something," he slowly said, making use of the manipulation techniques he had used in his past life.

He didn't know shit about what happened, but he could coax her into saying something.

"And I'm sure you know what would happen if the information got out."

Hana took a sharp intake of breath.

"But I want you to know that you could trust me. I wouldn't involve your name if ever this gets out."

"A—and why would I help you?" she stammered.

"Because you were my friend," June smiled softly. "There are some things I don't remember — the traumatic things that had happened in my past. And I believe you're the only one who can help me."

"I don't know if you're already aware of what's happening," June started off, his voice shifting from gentle to intense. "But I'm participating in the show called Rising Stars."

"I'm aware," Hana said, having watched the fifth episode last night. "I thought you gave up on being an idol."

"I almost did," June bluffed. "But I couldn't let go of my dreams."

Hana's expression softened, so June knew he was on the right track.

"However, I fear that my dream will be crushed once more with everything that's happening."

Hana frowned, her eyes filled with curiosity. "What happened?"

"Alex and Hyunwoo are trying to defame my name, accusing me of being a bully. As I said a while ago, I have memories that have been blocked in my mind due to their emotional intensity...and one of them is what happened when I was still a trainee in Phoenix. You may not have been there until the end, but maybe you can help me piece my memories back together...just so I wouldn't have to give up my dream this time."

Hana's resolve weakened as she looked into June's eyes. "Alright," she began. "I'll tell you about our time at Phoenix."

Hana began to paint a picture of their trainee days, starting with the darker backdrop of Phoenix Entertainment's early years.

"Phoenix was a new company back then, still finding its footing," Hana explained, her voice nostalgic. "They only had one famous group and wanted to make it big in the idol industry, so they recruited a lot of trainees, including us."

As she spoke, Hana's words painted a vivid picture of their shared struggles and dreams. She spoke of long nights of practice, fierce competition, and the relentless pursuit of perfection. And in the midst of it all, she shared her observations of June.

"You were the sweetest boy I ever met," Hana admitted, her gaze distant as she recalled their interactions. "You had this aura of someone who grew up in a very loving household. You were respectful, polite – probably the most respectful among all the trainees."

A bittersweet smile graced her lips as she continued to share her heartwarming memories. "And you had so much potential, June."

June was confused. His stats didn't speak of him having great potential. Did he regress during the years she wasn't in Phoenix anymore?

"But training wasn't just tough," Hana continued. "It was tougher than anything we could have imagined. We saw our friends drop out, one by one, unable to bear the pressure."

Her gaze grew distant as she remembered those who had fallen by the wayside, their dreams crushed under the weight of the industry. But then, she turned her attention back to June, her eyes softening.

"Then there were Alex and Hyunwoo," she continued, her tone taking on a darker note. "They were the poster boys for 'bound-to-debut' trainees – the look, the talent. But it became clear that they didn't have the right attitude."

A hint of tension crept into the air as Hana recalled the turn of events that had shattered their initial perceptions. "We started as friends, the four of us. But over time, we saw their true colors. Alex and Hyunwoo were different behind closed doors."

June's gaze remained steady, but there was an underlying recognition in his eyes.

"They were manipulative, controlling," Hana added, resentment heard in her voice. "They used their looks and their talent to get ahead, without any regard for the people they trampled on."

"I tried to call them out," she chuckled. "But you always tried to stop me. However, in the end, you were the one who would run errands, do things for others, and take the blame – all without a second thought. You were the selfless heart among us."

June couldn't help but frown as he listened to her story.

So, Choi Joon-ho was a wuss?

"Then came the darkest year – 2018. K-pop was at its peak, and the competition had grown fiercer than ever. Our company became desperate, kicking out idols left and right to stay afloat."

A shadow passed over her eyes as she recalled the turmoil of that year. It was a time when dreams were shattered and bonds tested. But then, her expression softened as she spoke of a new addition to their group.

"Haru," Hana said. "He joined us that year, and it didn't take long for us to become friends."

Haru...that was a new name — someone June had never heard of.

"We trained together, hoping to debut we had trained the longest. However, Phoenix changed after that. They started overworking us, pushing us beyond our limits. Alex and Hyunwoo remained the same – still manipulative, still using their tactics to get ahead."

Her gaze met June's, and her voice lowered as she shared the most heart-wrenching part of their shared history. "And you... you went through something unimaginable. Your parents died in a car crash, and you were left all alone to endure it."

Hana paused for a while to gauge June's reaction. However, June remained nonchalant, leading her to continue.

Hana's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she recounted the depths of June's pain. "You struggled to keep up with practices, to balance it all. There were times you couldn't come to practice because of work, and the bullying – it had gotten worse, to the point of becoming physical."

June's jaw clenched. One thing he took from this is that Alex and Hyunwoo were lying.

He was not the bully of the story.

"And I'm still so sorry that I left that year," Hana whispered, her voice breaking. "I was given an offer at my current company to be an actress, and I was truly desperate. I didn't want to leave Haru and you alone, but I felt like I had no choice. I'm really, really sorry."

"There's nothing to apologize for," June calmly said. "You didn't do anything wrong."

Hana looked down at the counter, still feeling guilty. "After that, I didn't keep up with Phoenix anymore. I started training to become an actress, and I assumed you were doing the same as an idol trainee."

"And this Haru guy?" June couldn't help but ask. "Where is he now?"

"I don't know," she frowned. "The last thing I heard was Haru left the company, Alex and Hyunwoo stayed but got kicked out of the debut group, and you..."

June raised one of his eyebrows.

"You killed yourself."

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