Chapter 194: Kitty Plays Debussy

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"Here," June said, handing Minjun his phone.

"No thanks," Minjun responded, pulling out his own phone. "I'm afraid it'll burst into flames if I film more than a minute with that ancient phone."

June clicked his tongue and put his phone away. He couldn't even counter Minjun since he knew the little kid was right.

"What are you even going to play?" Minjun asked. "A Little Meow Meow song?"

June smirked while shaking his head, placing his hands in a familiar position.

Clair de Lune by Debussy.

June doesn't know to what extent Fu knows about his past life as Chen Jun Hao, but it seems like his past frequently intertwined with the present.

He was very familiar with Clair de Lune. It was his mother's favorite piano piece—one that she would play when little Jun Hao had trouble sleeping. He hadn't heard the song in a long time after his mother died but coincidentally heard it in a fancy bar when he was tasked to lead a diamond raid. It has stuck with him ever since.

Amidst the chaotic gunning, he was reminded of his mother, which led to a successful mission.

However, he didn't think about any of those anymore.

"I'm filming now," Minjun said, bored, waiting for June to start playing.

June placed his fingers on the cold keys, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before playing the familiar intro.

The first parts of the song didn't require much skill, but it still captured Minjun's attention.

How could a couple of simple notes sound…lonely?

The room was cast by a warm glow, courtesy of the sun coming through the sheer lace curtains.

The first few notes of Clair de Lune filled the room just as the breeze brushed over the curtains. In his imagination, he found himself on top of a hill, bathed in the serene blue hues of the sky, where wisps of white clouds flowed like sweet cotton candy.

Three continuous notes with silence in between…then he found himself ascending above the hill, where he saw two white figures at a distance.

They were unfamiliar, yet a deep, unexplainable connection tugged at his heart. It was as if he had known them all his life—his parents, perhaps. June had the urge to run to them, wanting to feel the warmth of a family that wasn't even his.

But before he could even take one step, he saw another man approaching them, a radiant smile on his face.

Choi Joon-ho.

June's heart raced, and he called out to them, but they didn't turn around. Instead, they continued to smile as if they were unaware of his presence, lost in their own world. The piano's melody grew louder, mirroring the loneliness that filled June's heart.

However, amidst the chaos, a voice called his name.

"Jun Hao."

He froze when he heard the familiar voice before slowly turning around.

There, he saw her—his real mother.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he gazed at her loving, familiar face. She spoke, her words tender and comforting, "I'm so proud of what you've become."

June's voice trembled as he responded, "Even if I'm not a good person?"

His mother continued to smile, and June wanted her to hold him, but his mom took a step back.

"My Jun Hao, you're a good person," she reassured. "Deep down, you've always been a good person."

There was a moment of silence before June continued playing.

"You've done such a great job protecting your sister," she smiled, a tear falling down her cheek. "You've always lived for others."

June nodded. "I have."

"But now I want you to live your dream too," she whispered, finally reaching out her hand to touch June's face. "Be happy, my son."

However, before their skin could touch, his mother gradually faded from view, like a fleeting dream. The room around him began to reassemble, and the sound of the piano gently dwindled. June's fingers continued to dance across the keys, but June couldn't help but reflect on the message from his mother. And with the final press of a key, he stared at his faded reflection on the shiny mahogany.

"Live my dream?" he muttered, a bit breathless.

"What the hell? You're actually a great piano player?" Minjun exclaimed, making June snap out of his thoughts.

"Uh, what?" June asked.

"Holy Moly," the little kid exclaimed. "You're actually talented now. You're not the same person who sang a Little Meow Meow song during his audition!

June chuckled softly, although he felt a bit flattered. "Then, do you think I should upload this to my account?"

"That June account with more haters than pineapple on pizza? No! This kind of talent is something you want to gatekeep until it comes in handy!" he exclaimed.

"Gatekeep?" June asked. "What the hell would I need to gatekeep my piano skills? It's not like I'm an owner of a system or a corporate boss."

[I am your owner!]

Minjun clicked his tongue. "You don't even know modern slang, huh? Whatever. I'll keep this to myself first."

June groaned. "I need to post it, kid. It's for something important."

"You just need to post it, right?" Minjun mischievously asked.

"Yes," June said. "So send it to me later."

"Sure, sure," Minjun brushed him off.


"Wake me up when we're near," June yawned, feeling more tired than usual. It seemed like all the drama had finally caught up with him and only sleep weighed in his mind.

"Sure, sure," Minjun said. "By the way, why have you been wearing caps and beanies since yesterday night?"

June froze, but he acted like nothing was wrong. "No reason," he stiffly said. "I feel like I'm developing a cold."

"Oh," Minjun said. "Whatever then. Rest well."

"Hmm," June hummed, finding a comfortable position. Minjun sat silently for a couple of minutes, waiting for June to fall into slumber.

"That's right," he muttered with a smirk. "Sleep now, innocent child," he silently chuckled, his shoulders shaking with every laughter.

An old man looked at the little kid with a frightened expression. "I'm going crazy," he whispered. "Maybe I should really go to the elderly home."

Minjun took one last glance at June and even snapped his fingers in front of his face.

When he confirmed that June was indeed sleeping, he opened his phone and went to a video-editing app.

"I'll make you even more famous, big bro," he muttered under his breath, ready to work his magic.


"We're here," Minjun said, shaking June awake.

June slowly blinked his eyes open and saw the familiar landscape from outside the window.

"What time is it?" he groggily asked.

"It's nearing—"

However, June couldn't hear Minjun's response because a pop-up distracted him.

[Congratulations, host! You have completed two of your missions: Celebrate Parents' Day with your Parents and Play 'Clair de Lune' by Debussy and post it online. You may now choose 2 aspects to improve!]

June's eyes widened in surprise before he looked at Minjun with narrowed eyes.

"What did you do?"

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