The King Seeks You Out

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It was a Thursday afternoon when you saw him for the first time. You knew you may see him when you started working at the Hazbin Hotel, hell his daughter runs the damn thing. But no one knows what he's like. Except the residents of the hotel, but they like to prank the new guests by spreading horrible rumors about how nasty he is. You prayed you'd never meet him.

You like your job, even if it isn't heaven it's better than being murdered by angels.
You first met Charlie at the front door of her hotel, begging for a chance at redemption. You didn't know how you got here, you were a good person up on the surface. Maybe it was because you're bi? You didn't want that to be true though, you didn't want your parents to be correct in the things they said to you. You didn't want to burn in hell for something so out of your control. Or maybe it was because you killed your self. That could have been it. So young and so desperate for an escape. Maybe god thought you were weak.

An unfamiliar voice snapped your attention back to reality and away from your panic spiral.

"Why Hello, a new face! That's refreshing! Can I get a room?"

You had to step up and out of your chair to see the man in front of the counter. It was lifted, only god knows why. Well actually, it was probably Alastor's doing. It was indeed his favorite hobby, messing with the King of Hell. Which was the familiar face that stood before you.

"Sorry, could you repeat that?" You're so unsure of what you heard, the King of hell wants a room? At his Daughters Hotel? Doesn't he have one already...

"Ah you're very new aren't you?" he spoke with a bright smile, "I said I wanted a room."

"Uh, I heard you, it's just.. Well yeah, I'm new, just started a couple weeks ago. And uh, I've never checked in a guest before.. And uh I don't know the procedure, especially for you.." you stutter in the presence of the King, luckily for you he finds it amusing.

You continue on rambling.

"It's just that, uh, you're His Majesty, am I correct? You're Charlie's dad? Uh, don't you already have a room? Like, a designated one for you?" you stare at your feet, secretly begging that charlie walks into the lobby.

"What is your name darling?" He speaks to you softly but through a slimed gaze, you cannot read his emotions but you're scared. You've never met the King of Hell before. You hope he isn't going to smite you.

"Uh, hah it's Y/N." You say with a defeated sigh. "I'm sorry your majesty, just do it already." You shrink to a ball behind the counter, terrified of him.

"Do what Y/N?" he asks casually like the look on his face moments earlier wasn't terrifying. "I do in fact have a room, I just forgot my keys this evening." He moved from the front of the counter to the side, where he's peeking over at you concernedly. "I'm in room 666, do you have a set of keys?"

You don't answer his question, not wanting to give him ideas. You quickly grab the box of keys thats kept under the counter, rifle through it, and slide the 666th key onto the counter. You don't move from where you are sitting, you continue to hide your face as you mutter to him. "Have a nice stay Your Majesty"

That was the first time you met the Devil.

608 Words

Auburn Clouds : Y/N X Lucifer Magne (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now