Birds of a Feather

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Author's Note: This chapter is based off of some fanart I saw by novahee_ on Instagram. The original is of Alastor preening Lucifer's wings, but since this isn't a RadioApple book, you (the reader) will take Al's place :D

Again it's novahee_ on Instagram. I highly suggest you check them out, they do tons of Hazbin Fanart  >:D

Lucifer's POV

I came to the hotel for lunch with Y/N again today, it was our third or fourth time eating together in my room now. I had been so pleased with how refreshed I felt after we hung out the first time, I knew I couldn't let the feeling go to waste.

After the first time, I went home feeling happy, for the first time in a long time. I felt accomplished, even if all I had done was eat lunch. 

Anyway, today we had been sitting together in my room for a while now, chatting the afternoon away. We had already finished our food, specially prepped by Y/N. It was nice, to have a flowing conversation with someone other than my servants, or my collection of plastic ducks. I hadn't felt this happy in a long time, it was so lovely.  

As I listened to them talk about their various plans for the coming week, I stretched out gently. I released the clasps on the back of my suit to let my wings breathe for a moment. It wasn't my idea of a good time to have them cramped up for hours on end, but I didn't particularly love looking at them. Frankly they reminded me of the life I lost.

Y/N immediately noticed when my wings sprouted out of my suit gently. They looked like they wanted to get a closer look, but they hesitated to ask. I was a little nervous for what was to come, multitudes of questions perhaps? Maybe they would ridicule me for keeping them hidden. Maybe they would-

My thoughts were then interrupted as Y/N's gaze met mine and they looked away quickly after the accidental eye contact. I noticed their face redden a little bit as they avoided my eyes. They stopped speaking, now looking at my wings intently. Their eyes quickly shifted from a look of embarrassment, and back to sparkling and so full of wonder. I almost thought they weren't looking at me any longer, but they were. They were looking at my white feathered wings in a way no one had looked at me in a long time. They seemed to be, in awe? 

"I, uh.. Can I see them closer? If not, that's totally fine! If it's personal I get it, you can say no!" They asked me softly before feeling embarrassed again, and backtracking quickly.

I wasn't exactly surprised at the request, it was a pretty common one. I was more surprised at the fact that they cared about my answer, and cared if I said no. Most people would ask and then grab at my wings without giving me a chance to answer. As if they weren't truly asking. 

"It's Ok! You may, if you'd like." I smiled gently, letting them know it was fine. "They're a little bit sensitive, so don't pull on them or anything, ok?"

"Thank you, I'll be careful!" Y/N replied happily.

I extended my wing a bit further out to them, but they still moved closer to me as well. They sat crosslegged to my left, examining my three sets of wings closely. 

"You know, you have a lot of pin feathers, you should probably preen these more often." They spoke gently to me as they pet the soft tips of my wings. 

"Yeah," I sighed, "I know, I just really hate looking at them, much less taking care of them." I spoke quieter than before, a bit embarrassed to be speaking about how I dislike taking care of myself.

"Uh, well, I mean.. If you hate doing it so much, I can do it for you?" Y/N spoke hesitantly as they offered to preen my wings. "I used to have birds, in my first life. I had to help them preen all the time.. I'm sure it's not that different."

I stopped to think about the offer a little bit, it would actually be so helpful if they were willing to do that for me. My pin feathers had been bothering me for some time now, but I never fixed them, because I just didn't care to.

"If you want to, that would actually be really helpful." I pulled my knees closer to me and leaned my head on them, looking at Y/N softly. "I hate doing it, it's hard for me to do on my own, and it's embarrassing to ask my servants to do it." 

I sighed, remembering the last time I had my wings preened. It was such a shit show. Remembering the embarrassment of how I couldn't stop laughing the whole time made my face incredibly red. I thought again about allowing Y/N to help, but I knew in my heart it wouldn't end badly. I took a deep breath.

"I'll warn you though, they are pretty sensitive, and I'm really ticklish." I buried my face in my knees, sighing as I felt my face heat up from embarrassment, before peeking out at Y/N again.

They had a goofy grin on their face.

"You? The King of Hell? Ticklish?" They laughed a little as they shifted their sitting position to get closer to the base of my wings. I was shocked at their reaction.

"Y-Yes! Ok? I am really ticklish! Don't make fun of me!" I was laughing a little bit now as well, mostly from the nerves, but also because is was indeed funny that Hell's ruler is ticklish.

"Ok, I'm sorry. I'll be really careful not to send you into a laughing frenzy then." They were trying to stop laughing, while also reassuring me. I watched as their laughing turned into a soft smile, and I did feel a lot less nervous, so I guess it worked.

"Ok, and uh, just don't pull too hard either, I'll let you know which ones hurt more than others.." I reminded them to be gentle again, not wanting the supposed 'laughing frenzy' to turn into an embarrassing crying one. 

"I promise I'll be careful, and if you want to stop, I will. Just let me know if you feel overwhelmed." The spoke softly as they shifted their hands to the base of my top wing, resting their soft hands on my shoulder blade. 

"Just use your words, and we should be fine."They said as they smiled at me gently, moving their face to make eye contact with me as I tried to hide in my knees again. Their soft smile and kind encouragement was what made my face turn red this time. I couldn't hide from that fact, no matter how much I wanted to.

1139 Words

Auburn Clouds : Y/N X Lucifer Magne (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now