Paper Cranes, or Ducks?

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Reader POV (Second Person)

You rambled on quietly as he ate. You watched as he devoured the sandwich. You were so pleased. He looked like he really needed that meal, you were glad he got one he enjoyed. Honestly you didn't know what you would have done if he had hated it. It would have crushed you a little bit. 

He couldn't really respond to the conversation while he was eating, but you finished your sandwich and juice quicker than he did so you continued to talk. You talked about random things, things you missed, things you wanted to do. 

You had answered his question, when he asked if you were sad. You weren't completely honest, though you didn't lie either. You weren't sad right now, you were indeed enjoying the time spent with him. However you knew as soon as you left the room you would need another pick-me-up. 

You avoided those thoughts as best as you could. You watched him finish the sandwich and sip on the juice. He listened to you talk. Like, really listened. It was nice. 

The two of you talked for a while. He finished his glass, and upon setting it down he discovered the origami bird. His eyes light up as he saw it. You were surprised when he said he hadn't seen one before, and when he asked what it was. 

"It's Origami, art made from folding paper. You've never seen one before?"

"No, it's facinating! How long did it take you to master this?" He had lots of questions about the bird.

"I mean, I'm not really all that good. Those were supposed to be cranes, but they look frumpy and squashed. They look more like-"

"Ducks." He smiled a little toothy grin, eyes shimmering in the hazy auburn light. "You have got to show me how to make them." He gained a more serious tone. A determined tone.  

It made you happy to see him snap from the darker state he had been in when you first came into the room. You were so pleasantly surprised by the enjoyment he got out of such a simple meal and small talk. You were surprised at yourself as well. You hadn't thought you would find such great company with the King of Hell, much less teach him how to do an arts and crafts project. Of course, he because he seemed so excited about it, you just had to oblige. Who were you to say no to his excited face. It would have been so sad to deny such an innocent request. You decided you would teach him all the origami he wanted to learn, even if you had to create new patterns for different shapes. 

Lucifer's POV

A tiny paper duck! They had made me a toy paper duck out of a napkin. In what world? I was so amazed by it. I was so utterly charmed by the little creation I just had to know how to make it. 

"Of course I'll show you how!" Y/N exclaimed, they seemed just as excited as I was. "Have you ever done crafts projects before?"

"I am an inventor! I always have been. I created numerous creatures before I fell. I've been one to tinker with mechanical engineering, I've sewn stuffed toys for my daughter. Thought that was a while ago. Let's just say I have a lot of different skills under my belt." I told her about my projects happily, glossing over the one I missed in particular. 

Y/N was in awe, they reminded me of the way the other angels looked at me when I created a new beautiful species. I used to be God's favorite angel. I felt like the respected man I once was. It was a feeling I missed. They made me feel so adored. 

I stayed seated on the carpeted floor as they got up to search the room for more paper. They found a note pad in the drawer of the nightstand near my bed. They ripped a few paged out, slowly and meticulously. I watched the precision of their hands as they completed each fold, I mimicked them to the best of my ability. They said they weren't good at it, but I was having a hard time keeping up. They worked with such interest. A beautiful display of skill. I felt awestruck as I watched them, almost forgetting that I had to do what they showed me.

We completed our 'cranes.' They were a bit mangled, but I loved them so much anyway. Something I created, something new. I squashed mine a bit in the middle on purpose, so that it'd look a little more like a duck. I love ducks.

793 Words

Authors Note:

Hey! Thanks to everyone for commenting, I love reading through them :D

Auburn Clouds : Y/N X Lucifer Magne (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now