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And I was there. I was standing in front of Ares' cabin.

The door was closed, which surprised me a bit. I'm used to the door always being open, like the Hermes cabin. I knocked, and a guy opened the door.
-New girl, come in, welcome to Ares' cabin.; he said letting me in.
-Thank you, I'm Helen by the way.; I thanked him and entered the cabin. It seemed to me that no one was familiar to me in that cabin. The cabin was totally organized, unlike the Hermes cabin. No one slept on the floor, everyone had their own bed.

-Look what we have here.; I heard a familiar voice. Wonderful.
-Listen, I'm not here to cause any problems, I'm only here because I have to be.; I said.
- Don't worry, beauty, I don't want any problems either, I just came to welcome you.; said the girl I was fighting a while ago. Of course she was Ares' child, she is really strong, I could tell that myself.
- Thanks for the welcome, I guess; I thanked. I didn't want to get on her bad side.
- I like you, now you are my friend.; she said patting my shoulder. It left me a little shocked to be honest. Are all the children of Ares like this to each other?
-Okay, if you say so.; I said hoping she would leave me alone. She smiled at me and showed me the bed. It was above hers, because the beds were bunk.

- I believe you will fit in well, pretty girl.; she said sitting on the bed watching me unpack.
- You don't have to call me "pretty girl", I have a name. My name is Helen.; I said and extended my hand to shake hands.
- I'm Clarisse.; she answered shaking my hand.

I didn't really feel that we would be friends at first, but maybe something will come of this friendship. I don't know if we will remain friends, but at least I have someone to hang out with in the cabin in the evening.

-Hey new girl, you have a visitor.; the guy who opened the door called me.
-I'm coming; I said.
-I'll be right back.; I told my new friend. I walked outside the cabin and Annabeth was standing there.
-Hey!; I said approaching her.
- Luke is angry. ; she said immediately.
- I know.; I answered.
- Are you angry?; she asked. I paused a bit, I didn't know what to answer her. It shouldn't have been that hard to answer, but it was really hard.
-I am not.; I still broke the answer.
- You should be angry, Luke was an asshole.; she said. It really kind of made me laugh. But I didn't laugh, I wanted her not to think that this situation was funny to me.
- Luke is just a little confused, you shouldn't talk about him like that. Luke cares a lot about you and you've known him longer than you've known me.; I told Annabeth, in this situation I had to remain a role model.
- I just wanted to tell you that I'm on your side. Just because Luke and you aren't talking right now doesn't mean I can't continue hanging out with you.; she said. It completely shocked me. don't get to pick sides. There are no sides. Luke and I had a bit of a fight, but I hope we'll make up soon.; I explained to her.
- I understand everything. It's like divorced parents. When the child chooses a side. I choose mom's side.; she explained her side of the story to me. It broke my heart, Annabeth saw Luke and I as parents. I couldn't watch her being sad.
-Luke is very hurt and now he needs all the help he can get. Please promise me that you will be by his side.; I asked Annabeth. She looked at me sadly and just nodded. Man how I love this kid. She is really smart, I assure you, you have never met such a smart child. I said goodbye to Annabeth and went back to the cabin where Clarisse was waiting for me.

- Any problems? If you have a problem with someone, I will solve them, don't worry.; Clarisse asked.
- No problems.; I answered.
-Just checking.; she smiled at me. I returned her smile and continued unpacking.

I couldn't sleep that whole night, I fell asleep only around four in the morning. This was probably due to the bed change. I really hate changing where I sleep, I can't fall asleep everywhere. The bed was quite hard, I don't really like it. I like when the bed is soft, like the one in the Hermes cabin. Everyone around me was already asleep. I thought about Luke. I've been thinking about him the whole time since our fight until now.

I woke up. I've never felt worse. Many others were still asleep. In the Hermes cabin, most would get up before me. I slept terribly these past few hours. The door was wide open and the sun's rays were streaming in.
-Good morning.; I greeted Clarisse who was reading a book on the bed.
- Morning pretty girl.; she replied. There was no point in persuading her not to call me that. I just smiled and got off my bed. I sat next to her.
- I was waiting for you to wake up so that we could go to breakfast together.; she said.
-Thank you, that means a lot.; I thanked her. She was a very nice gir.

We went for breakfast. I can't tell you how hard it was to sit at Ares' table. Not because I didn't want to sit there, but because it meant I couldn't sit at the Hermes table. I sat down, but my eyes were only on Hermes' desk, that is, on Luke. I recognized him quickly, he was sitting next to Chris. How bad he looked, as if he hadn't slept all night. His face was so sad. His dark circles were huge. His hair was so disheveled. He didn't look like himself.

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