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- Helen, is everything okay? You look a bit pale to me. Are you sick?; Clarisse asked me. I looked at her for a few seconds and then replied that I was fine. I had to talk to him, I had to make things right.

But again I didn't want to talk to him, I wanted to let time heal everything.

But how do you stay away from someone you love so much? Will waiting fix everything or just hurt us more?

Even if I try to talk to him, I don't know what I would say to him. Does he really hate me? I'm curious how someone's heart can change just like that in a few hours.

After breakfast, Clarisse and I went to practice sword fighting. Everything reminded me of Luke, and this too. Clarisse was really good at sword fighting. A totally worthy opponent. Of course she wasn't better than Luke, but she was one of the best.

- Helen, Helen, Helen; I heard someone shout my name. I turned and saw Chris running down the hill towards us. He was running towards us, neither slowing down nor stopping. I was scared that he was going to crash into us, but he was fine and managed to stop in time.

- Helen, I was looking for you all over the camp.; He said.
- You found me. What do you need?; I answered.
- I wanted to congratulate you that your father claimed you. Although, just so you know, we will miss you a lot in the Hermes cabin, all of us.; He said. That was very sweet of him and meant a lot to me.

- We also miss you at the table, I miss talking to someone interesting. Luke is totally boring, especially this morning. He didn't get enough sleep, so he was in a bad mood.; he added.
- How is Luke?; I asked him. He has no idea that Luke and I are in an argument.
- I have no idea what's wrong with him. He's not moving from the beach, he stayed there really late last night, Annabeth had to literally chase him to Hermes' cabin. He didn't eat anything this morning, he just mixed food on his plate. I think he went to the beach again, something is bothering him.; he explained what was going on with Luke. My heart was broken at the very thought of him being in such a state. What did I do to him? I will never be able to forgive myself if that smile of his doesn't return to his face.

- Do you think he will get better soon?; I asked.
- He probably will, whatever is bothering him can't be that bad. ; he replied. I hope he's right. I hope I can find a way to fix things between us. I will do whatever I can to fix things between us, whatever and however long it takes.

- Do you perhaps know where he is now?; I asked Chris.
- I'm not 100% sure, but it's probably on the beach.; he replied.
- Thanks Chris.; I thanked him and headed towards the beach. I had to have five minutes with Luke. I had to fix what could still be fixed.

I left Chris and Clarissa behind and ran to the beach, but Luke wasn't there.

I sat down on the beach. I wanted to cry and scream, but I just sat and looked at the water. I sat in silence and thought. I waited, I knew he would come. I knew he would sit next to me, but also that he would just sit in silence.
- You came?
- Was it a mistake?

-Do you love me?
-I hate you.
- I even prefer that to you being indifferent.

He didn't get up. Tears were streaming down my face. Why does it have to be this way? Why do our parents' names describe us? Why can't we just be our own people?

- How can you hate me?; I asked. I was interested, if I find out how he can hate me, maybe I will learn to hate him too.
- That's the problem, Helen, I can't.; he replied. We didn't even look at each other, we were looking straight into the water. My tears were not strong, just enough to stain my pale face.

I started to get up, I wanted to leave him behind. I didn't even think about it anymore. I stopped when I heard him say my name, through tears.
-Maybe it would be better if we stayed away from each other.; I said. I was hurt, I knew he was too.
- Do you really mean it?; he asked, I didn't know what to answer him. I just walked away, hoping that would be a good enough answer.

This is the best, we would only continue to hurt each other. I went back to Ares' cabin, Clarisse was waiting for me there.

-Helen what happened?; she asked me worriedly. She probably noticed that I was crying.
- I had a fight with Luke.; I answered.
- What did he do? Should I show him not to mess with you?; she asked. You could see in her that she was worried about me. This was probably her way of showing her feelings.
- No, no, everything is fine.; I answered her.
-If anyone has a problem with you, just tell me, I'll take care of it.; she said. She didn't leave me alone until I promised to tell her if something was bothering me.

- I don't know if you realized, but we are actually sisters. Not really sisters, but like half sisters.; she said out of nowhere. That really warmed my heart. Clarisse doesn't normally look like a soft-hearted person, but I could feel that soft heart of hers.
- I also see you as a sister. I would choose you as a sister... in every universe.; I answered. I could see that she was glad to hear that. I really meant it when I said it. I mostly mean what I say, not always but a lot of times.

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