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- Clarisse, I got a task.; I said to Clarisse.
-WHAT?; she asked jumping off the bed.
- I got a task.; I repeated.
- For the sake of the Olympian gods, Helen, I am so proud of you.; she said hugging me.
- I couldn't believe it either.; I said excitedly.
- I know that you will perform the task perfectly, but I cannot describe to you how much I will miss you.; she said.
- I will also miss you indescribably. I will think of you.; I answered her.
-And who did you choose to go with you?; she asked. I thought about it on the way here. Clarisse would have been a great choice, but I chose someone else.
- I chose Luke.; I told her.
-Him, of all the demigods, really?; she asked.
-I was thinking. I will have this opportunity to confess to him what I feel, on the mission.; I explained my plan.
- If you think he is a good choice, then I am with you.; she said.

I couldn't sleep all night. I know Chiron told me to rest, but I just couldn't sleep.

In the morning I immediately went to Chiron.
- Good morning Helen, you are early.; he greeted me.
-Good morning. I made my decision.; I immediately got down to business.
- Well, that's nice, but I thought maybe we should go through my list of candidates.; he said and took out some paper.
-Luke Castellan, I chose Luke Castellan.; I interrupted him.
- Well, an interesting choice. He's actually first on my list.; Chiron said tearing up the paper.
-I will go inform Luke, and in the meantime you visit the ORACLE, he will give you a prophecy.; Chiron said. I just nodded my head and went on my way.

Chris told me about ORACLE. He saw it when he was cleaning the attic. Mr. D of course made him clean the attic once.

I swear that attic looked like no one had ever cleaned it. It was overcrowded and full of dust and cobwebs. No one was there, so I turned to leave. Some cold wind blew my back. I swear I froze with fear, I barely turned around.

It was in front of me. I was waiting for the prophecy.

- You will return what was lost. Your quest will end in the late future. You will fight with your own blood and lose. You will see a crow while lying in the place that means the most to you.; He said.
-Thank you very much.; I said quickly and ran out even faster.

I don't plan to ever return to that place. What a terrible experience.I quickly went to Ares' cabin to get ready.

- Are you leaving soon?; Clarisse asked entering the cabin.
- Yes, I'm just getting ready.; I told her.
- I came to say goodbye to you and wish you luck, even though I know you don't need it.; she said. I know I will miss her.
-I have something for you.; I said. I took out my spear, the one I made.
- I can't take it, you've been making that spear for so long.; she tried to refuse the gift, but I didn't let her.
- I'll make another spear when I get back. Keep this for you.; I told her. She took the spear. She would probably cry, but she doesn't, she never cried. She hugged me.

We headed towards the Thalia tree. I was supposed to meet Chiron and Luke there.

I saw Chiron, Annabeth was standing next to him. She probably came to say goodbye to us. Luke was standing by the tree, probably saying goodbye to Thalia.
- Are you ready?; Chiron asked.
-Yes I am. Is Luke ready?; I answered.
-He is. Clarisse would you please come with me, we have a problem with weapons.; Chiron asked Clarisse for help. She just nodded and went with him.

- Good luck with the task.; Annabeth said looking at the ground. I could see that she was upset, I just didn't know why. I was sure it was because of the task.
-Thanks Annabeth, I promise Luke and I will be back soon.; I said kissing her forehead. She hugged me, so tight. I hugged her back.
- I'm afraid that something will happen to you two. I don't want to lose you both.; she said through tears. I wiped her tears with my shirt.
- You won't lose us. Luke and I will look out for each other. I promise you that you will see both of us very soon.; I promised her.
- You promise?; she asked. She had already slowly stopped crying.
- I promise.; I answered and hugged her again.

- I made you something.; Annabeth said pulling a bracelet out of her pocket.
-Aw, thank you very much, it's too sweet.; I thanked her.
- And where is my bracelet?; Luke asked approaching us.
- You will get it when you deserve it.; I said and Annabeth laughed.

-I will make you a bracelet while you are on the quest, you will get it when you return.; Annabeth said.
- I think I can wait until then.; Luke said.

- I'm going to see what Chiron is having problems with and also to collect the money. We can start soon.; Luke said and walked towards Chiron and Clarisse.
-Alright, Annabeth and I will wait here.

-Did you get a prophecy?; Annabeth asked.
- Yes, but I didn't really understand him.; I answered.
- That's the problem with prophecies, you can't understand them. And the more you try to understand them, the less you understand them.; Annabeth explained.
- The only thing I realized is that we will manage to complete the task.; I told her.
-That is very good. I thought this might help you. It's not really about prophecies, it's about dreams. But it is very similar.; Annabeth said pulling a book out of her backpack. The title of the book was: "How to know what you dream?". Honestly, it could have helped me a lot. With my stupid dreams too.

-Thank you Annabeth, I will return the book to you as soon as we see each other again.; I said and hugged her. I slipped the book into my backpack and closed it. Luke and I said our goodbyes to Clarisse, Chiron and Annabeth once more and left for the quest.

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