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And let it begin!

Quick note: i sometimes use music to inspire some of my writing so if you see some lyrics written around etc etc, that's why lol


My phone's alarm shattered the silence, jolting me awake. My hands fumbled through the blankets, searching desperately for the offending device. Next to me, my little boy stirred, his sleepy face scrunching in protest. Finally, I found the phone and silenced the alarm. The screen displayed two notifications: one from my sister, Palina, and the other from my mom. They were my lifeline, along with my dad. My ex that I'm forced to interact with on the daily though, is another thing.

Living with an ex-boyfriend was far from ideal, but with sky-high rents and limited support, I had no choice. My dad lived with us, too, sharing the rent burden. The goal was to find a place where my son, Adelin, and I could start fresh, but for now, we were stuck in this uncomfortable arrangement.

I opened Palina's message first:

palipoo - Happy bday fam! How does it feel to be 30?

I chuckled and quickly replied:

Me - Like I'm 80! My back hurts, my ankles hurt, my neck hurts. I'm so old!

palipoo - LOL sounds about right. What time we going to that Mexican restaurant? I'm hungry.

Me - It's 6 AM. How are you hungry when you just got up?

palipoo - Skipped dinner last night. Now I can eat a whole day's meal in one go, so hurry! Is Dad coming?

Me - I don't think so

I'll  check mom's message later. I climbed out of bed, careful not to disturb the lumpy mattress or the starfish-like figure of my son and headed to my dad's room right beside us. After a quick knock on my dad's door, I asked if he was coming to brunch. His groggy reply confirmed he had to work all day. As I turned to head back to my room, I was greeted by a warm hug from Adelin, his sleepy smile melting my heart.

"Morning, lil Deli. How's my big boy?" I asked, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Sleepy. Can I play my game?" he mumbled.

"Not today, buddy. It's a school day. Get your clothes on that I prepped for you last night, okay?" I nodded toward our room, and he shuffled off, grumbling but compliant.

In the kitchen, I maneuvered around the cluttered mess left by my ex. The sight of old beverage stains, scattered trash, and overflowing garbage bins was all too familiar. Ignoring the chaos, I prepared Adelin's breakfast and my morning coffee. The nightmares of my past had returned last night, leaving me shaken. I was grateful that this ex was at least less terrifying than those memories.

My phone read 6:47 AM. Time to get Adelin to school. I steeled myself for the inevitable confrontation and walked into the living room where my ex was sprawled out, snoring loudly. The room was a mess of toys and blankets. I nudged his shoulder with my foot.

"I need your car to take Adelin to school," I said flatly.

He groaned, barely opening his eyes. "No, I have to go somewhere in a few minutes. Just walk."

"What?" I balked. "You want me to make our son walk to school? It's too far for him."

"Yes. You should see this as a lesson on being an adult. Buy your own car." He rolled over, turning his back to me. "Now go. Adelin needs to start walking before he's late."

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