Chapter Two

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I walked down the halls of the new high school with a sort of confidence I never had before. Last year, I was confident because of my clothes and makeup. This year I'm confident because of who I actually am. I had Winter on my right, and Lex on my left. Alex and I were going to make our debut as a a couple at lunch. We were together for some of last year, but we never announced it.
This school felt so large compared to the middle school. Sure, today was freshmen only, but what about tomorrow when the older kids came? We had to learn who was in, who was out, what was in, what was out, and we certainly did not rule the school anymore.
Speaking of Queen Bees, here comes Gia and company.
"Summer. Just the girl I was looking for. It's not too late, you know. We would love to have you on our side." Gia said with a plastic smile.
"Sorry, I don't do second place," I snapped, and with a flip of my hair, I was off with Winter and Lexi following suit.
"You'll regret this, Summer." She called to my retreating back.
No, you will Gia. I thought as I giggled to myself.
This year, I had another plan. Not the kind of plan that would turn me into something I'm not and break hearts like last year's plan. This year's plan was to show people that it's the nice people ghat should be popular, not the rich and well dressed. I wanted to put Gia Mark in her place, and anybody that stuck chose to stick by her, well that just showed the kind of person they were.
Hours later after class after class of introductions and class rules and procedures, all the standard first day stuff, the lunch bell finally rang. I bolted to the cafeteria, the one room that I found without any trouble. We had discussed these plans last night, I was supposed to be the first to the lunch room and scope out the best table for my friends. Thanks to my run with the populars last year, I had a good idea of what tables everyone would go for. I went for the one right in the center of the room, and out of the corner of my eye I saw someone else going for it too. I picked up my pace, determined to beat her to the table. Thankfully, Gia was in heels, and unlike me she didn't run.
Even though she saw me sit down at the table and claim it, she still brought herself along with her entourage over.
"Sorry, this tables already taken," I told her before she had a chance to even open up her mouth.
"You're making a big mistake." Was all she said.
"You've already mentioned," I laughed. She faltered for a minuted, phased by the fact that I was un-phased.
"FYI, the red lipstick is so trashy." She blurted. Was that the best she could do?
"As if I would take fashion advice from an actual piece of trash." I know my group was centered on being the nice people, but Gia was just too much fun not to mess with. We were nice that deserved niceness. Gia in no way deserved it.
"Oh, and Marissa, I like your necklace," I complimented her, not wanting her to feel like my insults to Gia included her by connection.
I then out of the corner of my eye saw Lex and Winter making their way over to the table, their eyes widening when they realized who was standing over here too.
"What's going on, Sum?" Lex asked me.
"Lex! Perfect, I've been looking for you. Forget about Summer, come over here where you belong." Gia motioned for Lex to stand by her side.
"No, thanks. I am where I belong. I'm on the good side. You never listened to what I had to say or asked for my input,  so I think I'll stay where I'm actually appreciated. I'm sure you'll have no trouble replacing me, or maybe you might when we expose you." Lex said, standing taller. I smiled big and proud. She had been talking nonstop of what would happen if she had to face Gia, and here she was facing that fear.
"Expose me for what?" Gia asked, as if she didn't already know.
"Oh nothing really, we're just going to show people nice is better and how much of a rich bitch you are." Winter said with the light, airy time only she can say a sentence like that with.
"Don't forget, we know things, Gia." Lex said, referring to the things she told Lex and I. I'm sure Lex has even juicer secrets than I do, but I don't want to have to tell the world Gia's secrets unless it's a last resort. As much as I hate Gia, I have a respect for secrets.
Then, Alex made his way into the lunchroom. Ever since last year when I changed the social status, just a bit, he moved up from a slightly less popular to a popular. People noticed that he was the only boy I never flirted with at all, despite living right across the street from him. Every head was turned to watch Alex, and when it became clear he was heading this way I saw Gia start to fix her hair. Did she actually think he was coming over here for her? That was hilarious.
He stopped right in front of me and the whole room was watching.
"Hey, Sum," he said
"Hey," I said back, suddenly very self-conscious of the whole 9th grade watching. Alex leaned down, since he was a good few inches taller than I, and kissed me. The gasp of the room probably could be heard from here all the way to the West Coast on the other side of the country. I kissed my boyfriend back and didn't stop until I remembered the eyes watching me. We pulled apart, and by the look on Gia's face I knew I was in the lead.

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