Chapter Thirteen

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Halloween came and went. November and December flew along like the way only the first months of school can. The most interesting thing that happened was a few more encounters of Alex the jerk, each time the encounters becoming less and less frequent. These days they are far and few between. Jackson and Winter are going strong and the power couple of the school. Lunchroom Story has progressed farther than we thought we could. The whole town knows of us now. We even have a very small fan base and we're still growing. I'm the main songwriter of the group and if I do say so myself I'm not half bad at it. As for me personally? Well I've had this one junior, Lucas, into me but I turned him down. I'm only fifteen and he would have been eighteen soon and I'm no law breaker. But other than that the most interesting thing that happened to me is Lunchroom Story taking off.
Gia has little to no control over anyone anymore. I guess what they say is true. Those who have it in middle school loose it in high school. She didn't handle her great decline of power very well, she convinced her parents to move across the country so she can start over. It's almost funny, actually, to see Marissa walking around like a lost puppy. I offered her a chance to sit with us at lunch but she declined saying Gia wouldn't let her.
My world really had changed. Not long ago I was the shy girl who wasn't with Alex, then I was the school slut, then I was the popular girl with Alex and Gia, and now I'm the girl in the band. Right now I'm the closest to myself I've felt in a while.
It was the first day back after winter break and I was walking through the hall like a usual day heading to my eighth period lunch. I had been looking down at my phone texting Lex when someone bumped into me and caused me to drop everything I was carrying. I bent down to pick it up and only when I and the stranger accidentally touched hands while picking up the same bright pink three subject notebook did we look at each other.
"Summer?" The boy asked.
"Brandon?" I asked.
"Hey, it's been a while," he said
"Yeah. It has hasn't it." I said back. Brandon had been in my sixth grade class. I liked him, no, I had the hugest crush on him. And even though I don't see him and we haven't had classes together and we barely even exist in each others lives as more than an acquaintance, that crush never really disappeared. Even when I was with other guys it was always just kind of there in the back of my mind.
"I'm so sorry for walking right into you. Where are you headed, I'll walk you to class," he offered me as we finished picking things up off of the floor.
"I'm heading to lunch," I told him.
"Really? So am I. How've I never noticed you were in my lunch before?" He wondered.
"I dunno." I said back and we walked over to the cafeteria.
"How are you these days?" I asked Brandon.
"I've been good. How've you been? I've heard of your band, you guys are actually pretty good!" Brandon said.
"Thanks. And I've been good too, not much happens these days," I told him.
"Oh that'll change one day when you're a famous actress," he joked.
"You remember that?" I asked him referring to back when all I ever wanted to be when I grew up was a famous actress on tv. I still do but I've grown up a bit and realize it's highly unlikely.
"Yeah I remember a lot of things," Brandon said.
"Wanna eat lunch with me?" I offered him asking him to join my table.
"Your friends won't mind?" He asked me.
"No, of course not!" I assured him. He agreed and followed me to my table. We were sitting at the table talking with Jackson while Winter and Lex were on line buying their lunch.
"Brandon have some common sense. She only wants to use you. Like she used me." I heard Alex from behind me. I didn't dare to turn around.
"I didn't use you," I said still looking straight ahead at the table.
"Yes you did. You're a slut. You were last year and you still are this year." He said.
"Alex I don't see what you're problem is. Before last year you ignored me peacefully. Then we were so perfect together and in one day you changed. But now you don't ignore me peacefully. You say things and you're jerky and rude and just a terrible person, Alex!" I said loudly turning around fast.
"Whatever Summer..." He said and walked away
A/N I think I may just do one or two more chapters with time skips to just bring the story to an end. That was the few people that read aren't left hanging and I can be done with it and work on other things. So I guess we'll see

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