Chapter Five

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I went into the girls bathroom and locked myself in a stall as I felt the first tear roll down my cheek. I never thought I would be the girl to live that cliché , but I should have known. I've already lived several clichés I thought I never would. Like sealing promises with a kiss. I don't know why I believed Alex this time. He didn't keep his promise last time, why should he now.
I realize now I was being obsessive and maybe a little slutty, but he didn't have to tell me like that. A gentle notice would have been fine. It would have gotten his point across to me. But here I am crying in a bathroom stall like the walking cliché I am, because he broke his promise again.
I knew in high school everything was supposed to change, but I didn't except this. On some levels I guess I deserved it, but nobody, no matter how badly they screwed up deserved something like this.
"Summer! I know your in here!" I heard Winter call. I held my breath and tried to make as little sound as possible.
"Sum, I see your shoes." She told me. I picked my feet up off the floor and out of her view.
"If you don't open that door and come out right now I will come in there, and we both know I really will." She wasn't kidding. She would. I didn't really want someone to come into the bathroom, find me and Winter in the same stall and get the wrong idea, so I came out.
"Good girl," She joked when I opened the door.
"Now talk," she added.
"No," I whispered. She stared at me waiting for me to say more.
"He broke his promise. Again. He got mad at me." I whispered my voice even softer this time.
I suddenly remembered I was crying and turned to the bathroom mirror. I had mascara running down my face, my eyeliner was smudged and so was my lipstick. My glitter eyeshadow was everywhere and my face was red and puffy. I looked like a hot mess, minus the hot.
"Winter I left my makeup in my locker can you get it? You know my combo." I asked her. She nodded and left me to wait while she got my makeup.
I wouldn't let Alex know I cried. I would just go back to how we were for all those years. I would just pretend the past six months together never happened.
Winter came back in just as I finished up wiping off all the messed up makeup with sink water and toilet paper (not my favorite way to take my makeup off).
"Thank you so much Winter!" I said as I hugged her.
"No prob. I'm gonna head to chemistry so I can earn Mr. Roberts you'll be late. I'll tell him girl problems, he never questions that excuse." Winter said. She wasn't lying, every girl in his class used that excuse at least once, and he never caught on.
"You're the best. I'll be there ASAP." I said. Winter quickly hurried out of the bathroom to get to class before the bell and I began to put on my makeup like nothing even happened. I finished up with my favorite makeup product ever, my red lipstick.
I hurried back to my locker to drop off my makeup then to chemistry.
"I'm here!" I said as I walked through the door.
Mr. Roberts wasn't there. It was a sub.
"How nice of you to join us miss...." The sub did that sub thing.
"Martin. Summer Martin." I said.
"Sorry I had a...problem," I said
"I don't want your excuses miss Martin, please take your seat." The sub said harshly.
"I tried to send you a warning text, but she scares me. And I think she had x-ray vision. I'm sorry." Winter apologized.
"It's fine it's not your fault anyway-" I said, but was interrupted.
"Girls, is there something you would like to share with the class?" The annoying sub asked.
"No, Winter was just telling me what I missed in the first five minutes of class." I covered.
"I see. If you two talk again, there will be consequences."
"Ok." I said, getting annoyed. I think we all knew I would talk again. Throughout the whole lesson the sub kept looking in my direction. I was trying to physically restrain myself from shouting
"I just went through a breakup with my boyfriend and he broke his promise you insensitive bitch!"
at her about five or six or seven times. That class could not have ended sooner.
I ran into Lex after class.
"Alex told me what happened in lunch! Are you okay?" She asked. I choked a little bit when I remembered what happened at lunch.
"Yeah. Whatever. What did he say to you? Did he seem like, mad?" I asked, digging for information.
"Yeah he did seem totally pissed. He was all like 'she's being such an overdramatic bitch she needs to grow up' and I was all like 'woah, you back off my best friend like that' and he was all like 'fuck you fuck this fuck her' and I was like 'oh you did?" And he was like 'go away' and I went away to look for you but I couldn't find you till now." I bit my lip to not cry, but giggled a little bit at the last part.
"Do you wanna come sleep over tonight? Winter is coming too." I asked.
"Totally. I gotta run to art, I can not have another tardy in that class or I'm so dead. Catch you later! Don't worry about you-know-who!" She said as she turned around to run off to class. I laughed at how quirkily stereotypical yet unsterotypical she was. She talked like a stereotype popular girl, but more like the blond dumb one. But she looked like the hot bitchy brown haired one, but she acted nothing like that. But she was bitchy to people she didn't like.
I finished up the school day and came home with Winter. Lex was coming later.
"Winter! Guess what!" My sister came running over.
"What?" Winter asked.
"I'm pregnant!" She screamed.
"Sorry, my sister is a little excited." I joked to Winter.
"So how was school?" Ally asked. I didn't even answer I just ran to my room because I felt the tears about to start flowing. About fifteen minutes passed before Ally opened my door.
"Hey," she began.
"Winter told me what happened today. I'm sure Alex will come around to his senses, but you need to too. I see where Alex is coming from, Summer. Winter did tell me you've been acting a little slutty, sis you gotta know where the line is drawn." Ally said gently.
"I know. I know I was acting really slutty and I was obsessing over Gia and I was using Alex but he still broke the promise. This is the second time!" I sobbed into my sister's shoulder.
"It'll be okay, Summer. I promise."
A/N I'm going away to a sleep away camp for a week next week so I'll try and get in one more update before then, but I can't bring my laptop or phone or anything to camp so I can't update😰😥 sorry guys, I still love you!❤️

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