Chapter Eleven

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"Hey. I'm having a Halloween party on Friday, I totally hope you can come. Spread the word!" I said to Jamie in my math class. She nodded and said,

"I am so glad I have an excuse not to go to Gia's party now! I'll so be there, Sum," I was glad that there were nice people like her that liked people for who they were and their personalities, and saw that Gia was a total monster that needed to be taken down.

After math I went through the rest of my morning classes and told people about my party. A few said they'll be there, several said maybe, and one or two rudely told me they were going to Gia's. I could tell word was spreading because people I hadn't talked to came up asking me about the party. By lunch I had Several yes's a handful of maybe's and a few no's, with the rest of the week still to go!

"Hey Summer," Gia called to me from across the lunchroom.

"You called?" I said to her innocently once I made my way over there.

"Don't get cute with me. What in this world gave you the idea that you could throw a party the same day as mine?" She asked.

"Umm... I did. Last I checked it's not a law, or do you want to check the constitution?" I said to her with my signature sass.

"In this school there can only be one most popular girl. That's why she's the most. Because there's nobody in front of her." Gia said to me.

"Well obviously there's no one in front of you. Your backups are always behind you because you can't take anything on your own. I'm not trying to beat you out for popularity, grow up a little bit. I'm trying to be myself and people just genuinely like me for who I am. Can you say the same thing about yourself?" I told her. She was startled and couldn't think of a comeback, so she just said,

"You can't have a party the same day as mine."

"Watch Me. Buh-bye, Gia," I said to her with a wave. Then I added,

"Oh, and Alex I hope you enjoy your new slut while you can!" I called out to him. He rolled his eyes and turned back to his tuna sandwich.

I headed back to my table.

"What did she want?" Lex asked, putting a tone of total disgust on the word "she".

"She was just all like 'I'm the most popular girl in school not you' and I said 'I'm not trying to be it's just kinda working out that people like me' and she said 'you can't have a party the same day as mine' and I said 'watch me' then I walked off after telling Alex to enjoy his slut." I told them.

"Woah. Girls have so much unnecessary drama." Jackson said.

"Excuse me? Unnecessary? But aren't guys the ones who benefit by using it as entertainment?" Lex asked him.

"To shay," Jackson said and we all laughed. I accidentally dropped my cap to my water and Jackson and Winter both went to grab it. They accidentally touched hands and blushed. I exchanged a glance with Lex both of us knowing those two were gonna get together any day now.

"On another note I've heard a lot of people talking about the party!" Lex said breaking the silence.

"I stayed up all night to practice. Once I got through the whole song once it was really easy to do it again," Jackson said. Those drums were really coming naturally to him.

"I'm planning to practice as soon as I get home from school, I know the words I just need to get the bass parts and put them together." I said,

"I actually already know how to play this song, so I'm just working on perfecting it," Lex said.

"I'm doing the same thing Summer's doing. And guys, since we need to practice all together before Friday, we should probably do it tomorrow so that way if we need to get together again we can," Winter pointed out.

"Good idea. Guys try to know it as best you can by the band meeting tomorrow. Now let's try and get some food in before the bell-" I said being cut off by the bell,

"Nevermind," I laughed throwing out my sandwich and heading to Spanish. The Spanish classes hadn't started yet so this was the first one of the year. I wondered who was in my class and what the teacher was like.

"Hola! Sientate," The spanish teacher greeted us which meant 'hello sit down', I'm pretty sure. I found my assigned seat and sat down. The teacher began roll call.

"Johnson, Alex" I immediatly turned around. I didn't even notice he was here. Not another year of Spanish with him!

"Aqui," he said which meant here.

A few names down was,

"Martin, Summer,"

"Aqui!" I called.

"Ah, you two. I've heard things about you two from your past teacher. Alex, Summer, and Tango." She said. I remembered our presentation last year on Spanish dance. It was the reason we started talking again. And us talking again was the reason we got together which was the reason we broke up which is the reason we are the way we are now.

"So it's her fault!" I said.

"Excuse me?" The teacher asked.

"Umm nothing I was just thinking out loud," I said, already being able to tell this wasn't going to be a very good year in Spanish, especially not if this new teacher followed the old teacher's lead and decided to pair me and Alex up for a project.

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