Chapter Twelve

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"So are we on or are we off?" Lex asked me on Thursday.
"I'll tell you after the band meeting tonight." I said back to her.

I went through the school day with a heavily preoccupied mind not giving a damn about what was happening in math or who knows what else. The bell signaling the end of the school day finally rung and I was out the door before you could say "Lunchroom Story"

"Okay guys let's see where we stand." I said to the band. I nodded to Jackson for him to start us off. He drummed his sticks together and we began. I hit the last note in shock. As far as I noticed, we did just fine. I wouldn't call us perfect, but we didn't mess up, and I would say that is an accomplishment.

"Guys that really wasn't terrible," Lex said mirroring my thoughts.

"Do you guys feel comfortable enough to play this tomorrow?" I asked them.

"About that. Are we just gonna play this one song? Like what is going on?" Jackson asked. I thought for a moment, not having previously considered this myself.
"I don't know," I said.
"Maybe we shouldn't. Let's wait until we actually play a whole concert." Winter suggested.
"Yeah, like it'll be weird if we only play one song." I realized. And so the discussion began.
"So what cover should we learn next?" Asked Jackson
"Do we wanna learn a cover next?" Asked Winter
"What else would we do?" I asked,
"Maybe write a song?" Winter suggested
"Are we ready?" Lex questioned
"I don't know," Winter admitted
"I have a songbook. I sometimes write songs. We could try writing music to go with it." I proposed
"Yeah and didn't your parents used to write in the band?" Jackson pointed out asking Winter and I
"Yeah! They can help!" Winter said.
"It's settled. Summer, go get your book." Lex told me. I ran quickly out of the basement then up the stairs to my room. I grabbed my book from its hiding place and took a deep long breath. I had never shared my songs before. I don't even know why I said that back downstairs. My mouth just opened and the words were out before I could think twice. But I couldn't go back now. I quickly flipped through the pages of my book as I ran down the stairs nearly tripping as I moved.
"I'm back." I said to my band mates.
"No duh. We do have eyes," Winter laughed.
"So let's see some songs!" Jackson yelled.
"Ok, but I've never shown anyone this book. Just don't laugh." I begged them.
"Why would we laugh? How bad could it be? Besides we're your friends and bandmaster, we love you," Lex assured me as her and the others started to flip through the pages of my book.
"Summer these really are good," Winter said to me.
"Are they all based on true experiences?" Jackson asked. I nodded knowing this showed a lot about me I tried to hide.
"Even this one?" He asked point at one that was one of my favorites I had written. The more emotional I was about something the better of a song it turned out to be.
"Yeah, even that one," I told him.
"I wanna do this one," he said pointing at the one that, of course, was the one I was hoping they would not pick. I would argue, but it would only take time away from practice. I knew I would loose in the end.
"I like it. All in favor?" Winter asked passing Lex the book. The three of them raised their hands and I halfway raised mine, slightly afraid of what people will think when they hear the song.
We called my father down to ask him to show us the basics of writing music. He told us we were going to have to play around with each instrument individually until they all sounded good together and just write down what chords we used or notes and all that. Even if it sounded a little like the unofficial way we used it because he had experience.
"You know, one of these days I wanna look up your parent's band on YouTube. What were they called?" Lex asked Winter and I.
"Young Love Train," Winter told her.
We got to work writing and rewriting the music. We must have been down in my basement for five hours before my mom came down saying it was getting late and my friends should probably be heading home soon.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow," I said. And just as they were about to leave Jackson suddenly said,
"We need a bandshake."
"What the hell is a bandshake?" I asked him.
"Like a handshake, but for bands," he explained to me slowly as if I was three.
"Okay," I said back to him in the same slow voice pattern.
I walked my friends outside to wait for their parents. We were talking and laughing when I spotted a familiar dog on the other side of the street being walked by an all too familiar face.
"Look," Jackson nudged me having noticed him the same second I did. He and Jackson looked at each other. Jackson and I understood each other when we complained about Alex in a way the other two just don't get. We had both been his friend, I even more, and we both felt completely betrayed by him.
"Jackson what are you doing with her?" Alex shouted across the street putting a disgusted emphasis on the word "her". Part of me expected Jackson to crumble and crawl back to Alex. A part of me thought he would especially when he took a step forward. But the step turned out not to be to join Alex but to shield Winter, Lex, and I from him.
"What is wrong with you, Alex? You were such a nice guy. Then one little fixable thing happens and suddenly you're the school's biggest jerk! I hope you're happy with your new friends because I've found where I belong." Jackson said in my defense.
"Oh yeah, I forgot. You have your three girlfriends. Oops did I just ruin the secret?" Alex teased him. I saw Jackson's fists ball up and it made me a little nervous. I put one hand on his shoulder and Winter thinking the same thing as me grabbed his other one. His fists slowly unclenched. I looked to Winter and could tell she didn't like the joke.
"It's not true," I whispered to her.
"Why would you think that's true?" Jackson asked overhearing,
"You mean you don't know she's in llllooooove with you?" Alex teased again.
"What?" Jackson asked turning to Winter.
"Alex why don't you go back into your home like the idiot you are. I don't know what the hell your problem is but I'm sick of it!" I shouted across the street. I sensed I had won as Alex retreated back into his home.
"You like me?" Jackson said to Winter. I saw an opportunity to help my best friend who was not going to help herself here.
"Yes she does," I put in as she nodded slowly.
"I like you too, Winter," Jackson said.
"Really?" Asked Winter.
"Really," he said as Lex and I awed
A/N I made a grand re-appearance because I had motivation and now in gonna make a grand disappearance until I get motivated again see you guys in like a month probably. If I knew I had active readers I would make an effort to write more but I don't think anyone sees this or cares so I'll see you guys whenever I log on next. Thanks for sticking around even through my disappearances, if you have. Love you all- byeeee

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