Chapter Fifteen

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Another year past. Now it's the last day of summer of my junior year. Two years ago this day I was at the spot with Alex. The only difference in Alex is ok pretty sure he's now fucked majority of the girls in school at least once. But as for me ever since Lunchroom Story signed with Richard Richman we've really hit it big. We put out an ep called Pretty in Rock and then a full length album called These Are The Days. We're statewide now, but what I love is school treats us just the same. I guess since they've been with us for years it just doesn't affect them like it affects others. I'm sure you're curious about me and Brandon, but you shouldn't be. He cheated on me one day before out one year anniversary. I don't like to talk about it much. Right now I'm not seeing anyone, but if I had to say anything the guy that sits behind me in math is kinda cute.
Another year. Last day of summer of my senior year. Three years since the day at the spot with Alex. Alex is now just fucking every girl he meets. Lunchroom Story is playing actual venues and I couldn't be more proud of my band mates and I. We put out a second album, Unforgettable. I dated the boy that sat behind me in math class for a few months before he broke up with me. I'm starting to think Alex curses me, I just can't keep a boyfriend since him. He doesn't tease me so much anymore. We winded down back to where we used to be. A mutual ignorance where we barely even acknowledge the other's existence. It's kinda funny to think just three years ago he was such a big piece of my life and now he really doesn't mean more to me than a speck of dirt. The few occasions we speak, we don't get along, but those are very far and few between.
Five years. I'm out of college and it's what I used to call the last day of summer but I now call an ordinary day. 8 years since the day with me and Alex at the spot. I'm only a few months out of college and Lunchroom Story is still together. We're huge now. We have really, truly made it. We've played gigs across all of the USA. We went on tour over the whole freakin United States! I haven't seen Alex since senior year of high school. Who knows what he's up to these days.
Lex, Winter, Jackson, and I were having an ordinary meet and greet when an old face walked up to the table.
"Summer." He said.
"Alex?" I asked in disbelief. Was this guy standing in front of me really the one I grew up across the street from?
"Yeah. How've you been?" He asked me.
"I've been good... How've you been?" I wondered how college changed him.
"Do you wanna meet up for coffee and catch up? Do you still have my number?" He asked me.
"Yeah sure that'd be great. And yeah. I'll text you when I get out of here." I told him making a mental note to ask him later what the hell he was doing in Texas as opposed to New Jersey.
The meet and greet passes slow but when it was over I texted Alex to meet up with him. I then headed to the local coffee shop where he was already waiting.
"Hey," he said to me.
"Hey. So what've you been up to the past few years?" I asked him.
"Well I stopped getting with every girl in existence, I went to a pretty good college and just graduated and now I'm looking for a job." He told me.
"That's cool. I'm glad you stopped with all the girls. I'm also glad you came by my meet and greet. Was there any reason? We're you looking for me?" I asked him.
"Yeah, actually. I wanted to apologize. I was a jerk. A huge asshole. I don't expect you to leap up and forgive me, but I'm here to ask for a second chance even if I have to get on my knees and beg for it." He told me. I smiled.
"You don't have to do that. I'd be glad to give you a second chance. Are you headed back to Jersey? If you are do you wanna come on the bus with us, this was our last stop of the tour." I asked him. He agreed and we headed out after paying to the bus.
We arrived back home at New Jersey on the old street I used to share with Alex. I don't live here anymore and neither does he, but I guess this is where we ended up.
"Come with me," I said grabbing his hand and leading. It had been eight whole years but my feet followed the path like it had been only yesterday. The first thing I noticed when we got to the spot was it was exactly how we left it. Completely untouched.
"I guess neither of us ever came back to throw away the food containers or take back the blankets and things." I observed with a laugh and so did he.
"I guess not," he agreed. He walked over to the little shack and pulled out the blanket. He layed it on the ground and motioned for me to come lay with him. So there we layed in the moonlight exactly how we did when we were fifteen, so much that if it wasn't for the fact that we were now twenty three years old you wouldn't even spot a difference.
Now it's been ten years. What I used to call the last day of summer. Eighteen years since the day at the spot with Alex. Eight years ago when I found Alex again we grew back together. We went out again this time as mature adults. After a year later Alex proposed to me at the spot on the last day of summer. We got married a year later on the last day of summer. We had three children, triplets actually, two girls and one boy, that were by some magic that always seems to be nearby when I'm with Alex born on the last day of summer. When my parents moved to Florida in retirement, we moved into my old house. We live where we grew up. Winter and Jackson live in Alex's old house, married with four kids. Lex married a man but didn't have kids. She loves ours like her own though. There are some things about me and Alex that will always stick out, like the Spanish project that brought us together in the first place when we did the tango, or the spot, or the lesson we learned that some promises are meant to be broken. Alex and I have a true love and even though getting here was kinda crazy, I'm loving the way we ended up.

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