Chapter Ten

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"Hey, come on everyone's already in the basement," I said to Jackson when I opened the door later.

"Can you help me move my drums in?" He asked. We grabbed the several parts of the drum kit and carried them down to the basement.

"Next time let's do this at your house, Jackson. Your drums are the hardest instrument to move." I laughed and he agreed. Finally everything was set up and we could get to work.

"Who wants to show what they've done first?" I asked.

"Me! Me! Pick me!" Winter jumped up and down.

"Okay, umm go." I said to her. She set herself at her keyboard and began to play. She actually sounded really good.

"I've learned all the keys and chords and stuff, and a few simple songs." She said.

"Winter that was amazing for only a week, I guess you really do have your mom's talent," Lex said.

"Me next," Jackson said as he grabbed his drumsticks and sat down at the drum kit. Suddenly a loud banging filled the room. Lex pressed her hands to her ears and Winter jumped a mile back. I had no idea drums were that loud! After the shock of the noise passed it turned into something that was much more what I expected.

"Like Winter, I only know the basics. And sorry, I should have warned you it was gonna be loud." Jackson laughed at how we had all gotten startled by the drums.

"You're crazy Jackson, you know that? Anyway, my turn!" I shouted. I plugged my bass into the speaker and played all the chords, and one simple song.

"Wow, Sum, guess you really do have your dad's talent. This band is really coming together we are gonna be great!" Lex said enthusiastically.

"Hold up, Lex. We still need to hear you play," I reminded her.

"Oh yeah, one sec," She laughed. Lex took a deep breath as she plugged her guitar into another speaker. She exhaled the deep breath as she began to play. She was nothing like the rest of us. She sounded amazing, there was no way she only started a week ago. It was practically audible when mine, Winter's, and Jackson's jaws all dropped to the ground at the same moment, like someone pressed an invisible button. When she finished she turned to look at us and said,

"Close your mouths, I didn't learn that all in one week,"

"Well then when did you learn it all?" Winter asked her.

"I've actually been playing for years, but it really isn't a big deal. Why don't we play something together. Is there a song we all know?" She asked. I could tell she didn't want to make a big deal out of herself, so I went with her subject change.

"Umm... I know Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," I offered.

"So do I," Winter said,

"Me too," Added Jackson.

"Purrrrrfect," Lex said in imitation of a cat.

"Should I sing too, or just play?" I asked.

"How about you try to sing, but if you can't sing and play at the same time yet it's fine just play, but try to sing." Winter said, and I nodded.

"1...2...1 2 3!" I shouted and we began to play.

"Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are" I sang. As I sang I began to trail off focusing more on the bass. Then I suddenly remembered I was supposed to be singing too, so I jumped back in on the words. As I sang again my hands slipped on the bass. I quickly fixed my hands and continued to sing.

"Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are." We finished the song.

"Okay guys. For a first time ever playing together, I don't think that was very bad. Sure we had a few messups, but nothing unfixable. Now we all have a better idea of what to practice, for example I need to practice singing and playing at the same time." I said

"How about we try again?" Lex suggested. I nodded.

"1....2.....1 2 3!" I shouted again as Jackson banged his drum sticks together.

We played that song again and again for nearly an hour. On what was our twentieth try (I think, I had lost count around ten) we got it right. I sung and played without faltering, Jackson played quiet enough that the rest of us could still be heard, Winter and Lex had even started putting in back up vocals.

"Guys that was perfect! We were all in time, we could all be heard, we all played correctly! I'd say we start to learn a real song and practice it next week." Lex exclaimed, so excited.

"But what song should we cover. It shouldn't be one to hard, but still challenging." Jackson pointed out.

"How about Mean by Taylor Swift?" Winter suggested and she looked at me like she could read my mind. If we could learn that one by Friday it would be my own little way of getting back at Alex.

"I like that idea," I smirked

"What?" Jackson asked me.

"Oh, nothing. Let's just all agree to try and learn Mean by my party on Friday, kay?" I said, and they all nodded.

"Band meeting dismissed," I said. After I called the meeting to an end they packed up their instruments and we all hung out for a little bit before they all headed home to start practicing.


I woke up the next morning and quickly got myself ready for school. As soon as I was ready, with fifteen minutes to spare, I headed down to the basement to get some quick practice in, and I only hoped the others were too. I wanted this to be ready for the party more than anything. But then I realized something. Alex probably would be going to Gia's party and not mine. That realization distracted me and I didn't even practice. I headed out to the bus stop and glared at Alex as if that would change anything. But there still would be a ton of people at my party, and I wasn't going to let him drag me down any further.

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