Chapter Seven

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I'm done. No more hiding. I have nothing to be ashamed of. No more holding it all in. Let it all out. Show them Tourette's is no reason to back down and hide. It didn't stop me before, it won't stop me now, and it never will stop me.
I came out of the bathroom stall and went over to the sinks. I quickly wiped off my makeup and grabbed my emergency makeup out of my bag. I had a feeling this morning to bring it, and I'm not one to ignore my gut. Sometimes I'll ignore my heart, and often I will ignore my brain, but I will never ignore a gut feeling. And right now my gut is telling me to get back out there.
I walked back into class with my head held high. I didn't even try to silence the door from slamming behind me I just continued to my seat like I didn't have a care in the world.
"What did I miss?" I whispered to the girl sitting next to me, Jamie.
"I don't really know I wasn't paying much attention. But I don't think it was important. Maybe." She answered. I should have remembered. She never listens in class and fails nearly every test. But I let it slide, how much could I have possibly missed I was gone barely fifteen minutes out of a sixty minute class.
I strained my ears in attempt to listen up what the guys were saying on the other end of the room.
"She is such a bitch," I head Adam say.
"I know, right?" Alex said back. They weren't definitely talking about me, right? It could be any girl! It was highly likely it was me they were talking about but it's not fact, so right now I'm entitled to my opinion.
"Adam! Alex! Are you paying attention?" Mrs. Leve asked. Poor her. She never has had to deal with the "Trouble Squad" as many past teachers called them because Alex had been with me since the beginning of school. Without Alex the group just wasn't as troubleistic.
"I'm sorry what?" Adam laughed in the teachers face. She looked slightly taken aback.
"Can you please repeat that Mrs L," Alex joined in knowing how much the teacher didn't like students calling her that.
"I've heard about the "Trouble Squad" boys, and I will not be having it in my class. Adam, you can come sit up front right next to my desk. Alex you can go on the other side of the room. How about you sit next to Summer?" Mrs. Leve said. Adam resigned for this time and moved himself and his stuff to the desk next to the teacher.
"No can do, Mrs. L." Alex said.
"Why not, Alex?" The teacher questioned.
"I can't sit next to Summer. I might catch Tourette's. Plus, she's really ugly." He laughed and so did his little crew. That was it. I could stand for only so much and he was way over the line right now.
"Tourette's is not a contagious disease, you will never get it from sitting next to me. And as for ugly, you didn't seem to have a problem with my looks when you kissed me!" I retorted.
"We all know that under all that makeup you are no prettier than dirt," he snapped.
"Okay, you know what?" I asked.
"Summer! Alex! Both of you sit down this instant!" Mrs. Leve shouted.
"Sorry, Mrs. Leve," I said as I sat down. Alex picked up his stuff and sat down once again next to Adam. Mrs. Leve sighed realizing they were worse than the stories she had heard.
I don't understand how we had only broken up not even 24 hours ago and he was already back with his old buddies, treating me even worse than before. But he seems to have forgotten that it takes two to tango.
Finally the bell signaling the end of first period ended. Language Arts, gym, and social studies all breezed by and the lunch bell rang.
"I heard what happened in math today," Lex said to me as soon as I sat down.
"Did Alex really do that?" She continued.
"I'm not sure what 'that' is, but probably. Anyway we have more important matters at hand. I wanted-" I began but was interrupted when Jackson came and sat down with us.
"Please don't like disown me or something because of Alex. I cut ties with him when I heard the story." Was his first thing he said when he say down. For a minute I was going to be upset with him but then realization sunk in. He said that to perfectly to have come up with it on the spot. He had practiced what to say because he was worried we would be mad at him. He's done with Alex. He chose my side.
"I won't disown you. Are you sure you aren't afraid to catch Tourette's from me too though?" I just wanted to test how much of the story he had heard.
"I know it's not contagious and anyone that thinks it is is an idiot. Now scoot over so I can join you." He laughed and we laughed with him as he sat next to me.
"As I was saying," I continued my thoughts,
"I was going to ask if you wanted to start a band with me and Winter, Lex." I told her. She barely even thought for a second before saying,
"Yes! Yes yes yes!" You would have thought someone asked her to marry them the way she was jumping.
"Can I join the band too?" Jackson asked from my left.
"Umm I guess, but the songs are probably gonna mostly be girly or about guys or whatever." I said to him.
"I don't mind. I just really wanna be in a band with my friends." He shrugged stuffing food into his mouth.
"Alright then! We have four members. I'd say we can have one more, if there is anyone, or else I think we're good." I said.
"Let's talk band." Winter said.

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