Chapter Eight

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"Ok. None of us have any musical experience whatsoever, but we are going to learn! And we are going to be the best damn band this world has ever seen! But first we need a name," I said to the group.

"Shouldn't that wait till we have our fifth member? Unless you just want to be a group of four," Winter pointed out.

"But who else do we really want in our band? Who else is a close enough friend?" I asked.

"I say we keep it at four. It's a nice, even number. Plus... Actually I don't have another reason." Jackson said. Winter let out a laugh and I rolled my eyes. I turned to Lex, but saw she was lost in another world.

"Hello? Earth to Lex! Anybody home?" I waved my hand in front of her face and clapped. She jumped back nearly a foot.

"Sorry I was thinking about what we could call ourselves," She explained.

"Any ideas?" Jackson asked her.

"Well I was thinking. Since we basically formed the band in the lunchroom we can call ourselves lunchroom, but that sounds really stupid standing alone, so we can put another word after it or maybe before, I don't know, but if you guys don't like it it was just an idea and..." she rambled and eventually trailed off.

"No, I don't think it's stupid, well actually yeah alone it is stupid, but if we come up with a word to go after it could be pretty cool. What do you guys think?" I said posing the question to Winter and Jackson.

"I say we all take a moment of silence to come up with some second words and then we can choose the best." Winter said. We all turned to Jackson.

"What she said," He laughed motioning to Winter.

"Okay. Moment of band name silence begins NOW!" I said. My mind raced through literally every word I knew. I could practically see the steam coming out of my bandmates's ears. Lunchroom... Lunchroom... Lunchroom...what the hell could I possibly say?  I thought to myself. I looked over at Jackson's watch.

"Time!" I called.

"Who wants to share first?" I asked them all.

"I will. What about Lunchroom Fiasco?" Lex suggested.

"I like it. It sounds cool. My idea is Lunchroom Ballroom," Winter shared.

"Majestic, and it's cool how that rhymes, I didn't even think of making a rhyme. I came up with two. Lunchroom Clique, cause we kinda are like a clique, and my second is... wait... what was it? Oh wait, I know! It was Lunchroom Story," Jackson told us. Now it was my turn.

"I don't really like lunchroom clique, no offense Jackson, but Lunchroom Story is pretty cool it's kinda like we're part of a story, making our own destiny. I also have two ideas, both are really really bad, but whatever. Lunchroom Hell, cause well umm school lunchrooms can sometimes be a scary place when you have nobody, and also Lunchroom What. I don't have an explanation for that room I was just thinking what about lunchrooms and came up with that. Wah-la!" I said.

"Lunchroom Hell is a really good idea Summer, but maybe not for our name cause some people might not approve of the word "Hell" ya know? and Lunchroom What is okay, it makes you think but..." Jackson trailed off not knowing how to tell me it was a horrible idea.

"It sucked, Summer." Winter said. I laughed in agreement.

"So our choices are Lunchroom Fiasco, Lunchroom Ballroom, Lunchroom Clique, and Lunchroom Story." Lex recapped.

"I'm taking out Lunchroom Clique," Jackson said.

"Okay, it's Lunchroom Fiasco, Lunchroom Ballroom, and Lunchroom Story." Lex repeated.

"Yup. This is hard I like them all!" Winter said.

"Well Lunchroom Fiasco kind of sounds like we copied Panic! At The Disco," Jackson noted.

"Yeah I guess, but I really didn't even think of that. Good catch." Lex said.

"And Lunchroom Ballroom sounds like we will be doing classical stuff and wearing gowns and all kinds of fancy junk." Winter realized.

"So that leaves us with one option. All those in favor of the band name Lunchroom Story raise your hand!" I said to the group. My hand went up fast, followed not even a split second later by Jackson's, Winter's and Lex's.

"Well, Lunchroom Story, I believe there are a few more manners of business to discuss." I told them.

"Who's gonna play what," I asked.

"I've always wanted to learn how to play the drums, and I already have a drum set that used to be my older brothers. He doesn't play anymore but I'll ask him to teach me," Jackson said,

"Perfect, we have a drummer. We need guitar, bass, possibly a keyboard and a lead singer." I stated.

"I can finally learn how to play the guitar I have laying around in my room!" Lex bubbled.

"Fantabulous. If whoever is the lead singer also plays the bass we can have a keyboardist. Or if Lex wants to sing she can still do guitar." I pointed out.

"I don't really wanna be the lead but I'll happily do backups." Lex laughed and I couldn't help but laugh along.

"I'm set on drums so I'll just do back up vocals with Lex." Jackson said.

"That leaves me and you Winter. I'll let you pick what you want." I said to Winter.

"I wanna play the keyboard, my mom used to when she was younger so maybe it's in my genes. You should be the lead singer, you can sing amazingly. Plus didn't your dad used to play bass in the band that my mom was in, too?" Winter pointed out,

"Yeah, I think he has his old bass I'll ask him later." I said,

"Wait your parents were in a band together?" Lex asked.

"Yeah, that's how we know each other. But they never, like, made it big or even out of town but they really were good." Winter told them about our parents.

"Well, it's official now. We are officially Lunchroom Story. Or are we not official till we actually start making music?" Jackson asked.

"No, I think we're official now, we just won't have any fans till we start making music. Let's all take a week to learn the basics of our instruments, then we can have our first official band meeting. Sound good?" I said. They all agreed and Lunchroom Story was born.

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