I Don't Want You

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You were wandering the compound trying to find Bucky. He was supposed to arrive back at the compound this morning after finishing up his mission. The two of you had a standing date night every Saturday that Bucky wasn't on assignment, but you hadn't seen or heard from him all day which was unusual. Normally, you'd wake up to him bounding into your room to say good morning or, at the very least, receive a good morning text from him. But this morning there was nothing. You texted him, asking if he wanted to have breakfast with you. Nothing. You asked if he wanted to go for a run. Nothing. You even asked him if he wanted to join you in the shower and to your surprise, you received nothing.

This was odd behavior for him. He had been doing so much better since he started giving his therapy a real shot. Part of you was worried that he was slipping back into that dark place, but he always assured you that, if he ever felt himself falling into a spiral, that he would come to you. It was hard for him to admit that he needed you when your relationship first began. He always believed that he was better off alone, but it seemed he had finally accepted that he needed you as much as you needed him. Bucky was the one for you and you would always do anything you could to make sure he was happy.

"Hey, Lena. Have you seen Bucky today?" You asked as you walked into the kitchen.

"I just woke up, so no." She was nursing a mug of coffee in her hand and a bottle of aspirin sat next to her on the counter.

"I'm guessing you and Nat had a fun night after I left?" You smirked at her.

"Not so loud, Y/n. My head is pounding."

"Maybe don't drink so much next time."

"I'm Russian, that's what we do." She groaned

"Doesn't mean you have to get rip roaring drunk every weekend, sestra."

You opened the fridge and shut the door harder than necessary, making Yelena groan again and massage her temples.

"I hate you." She muttered.

"No you don't. You love me." You handed her a bottle of water and guided her towards the kitchen door. "Go back to bed and get some rest."

Yelena shuffled out of the kitchen as Bucky entered.

"Hey look, I found your Bucky. You're welcome." She continued on her way to her room, leaving you and Bucky alone.

A smile broke across your face, but quickly dropped when you saw the look on his face. He was avoiding eye contact with you and shifting nervously on his feet. Something was wrong and your stomach knotted. Pushing your worries aside, you strode up to him and threw your arms around his neck. He hesitated to return your hug, but eventually wrapped his arms around your waist in an awkward hug.

"Hey baby. I've missed you." You whispered. "Where have you been?"

Bucky pulled away from you, his mouth sat in a hard line and his eyes dark and menacing.

"What does it matter?" His voice was void of any emotions.

That alone sent your heart racing and the wheels in your head turning. Bucky didn't speak to you like that. His words were always gentle and loving. Even on his worst days you were the only person he spoke to without animosity or annoyance. Something was going on and it was bad.

"I-I was just wondering. I haven't seen you all day." You stuttered out.

"What? Do I have to report my every move to you now?" He snapped, stepping around you and going to the other side of the kitchen island.

He was putting space between the two of you. Bucky never put space between you. He always wanted you close to him, to have some kind of contact with you. Even if it was just your shoulder against his, he never seemed to mind you being close to him before.

Bucky Barnes Imagines Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now