Worth The Wait

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Junior Year

Campus was buzzing with students as they wandered around campus trying to find the right building and room. Your first class didn't start for another hour, but you liked getting to campus early to get a coffee and sit in the quad to relax before a full day of lectures. The sun was warm on your face and you were people watching as you sipped your latte. A handsome guy walked past you and stopped a few feet down the sidewalk, staring at a piece of paper.

He looked around and then turned around to look behind him. Your eyes wandered over him as he looked around at the different buildings surrounding the quad. His long, brown hair was blowing lightly in the wind and whipping against his sharp, stubbled jaw line. His plump lips were downturn into a confused frown and his light blue eyes hinted that he had no idea where he was going. The black t-shirt and jeans he wore clung to his large, muscled body. His gaze fell to the ground as he dug the toe of his beat up boot into the concrete in frustration.

"You lost?" You called out to him.

The campus wasn't huge, there were just over six thousand students, but it was still large enough to get lost if you didn't know where you were going. His head lifted and turned quickly to look at you. He looked you over and then nodded as he stepped closer to you.

"Uh, yeah. I just transferred and I missed the orientation, so I'm not sure where I'm going."

"What's your name?"

"Oh, it's James Barnes. Everyone calls me Bucky, though." He jolted forward towards the bench you were sitting on and held his hand out to you.

Your lips quirked in amusement at the man standing in front of you. He seemed a little awkward, but it was adorable.

"Y/n Y/l/n, but everyone calls me Y/n." You joked as you took his hand. "Take a seat, Bucky."

He sat next to you and smiled as you scooted closer to him and took the schedule he was holding. Your eyes scanned the paper and you noticed that you and Bucky had several of the same classes.

"What's your major?" You asked, still eyeing the paper.

"Astrophysics with an astronomy minor." He said softly and lowered his head.

You peeked up at him and saw his cheeks flushed in what looked like embarrassment.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just that sometimes when I tell people, they think it's...dorky."

"I must be a dork too, because I'm an astrophysics major as well. We actually have a few classes together, so I guess we can be dorky together."

That made Bucky's grimace turn into a confident smile and you felt your stomach flutter slightly. His eyes locked with yours and you couldn't help but stare at the beautiful blue surrounding his pupils. It was a mesmerizing bluish-grey color that stood out against his tanned skin and dark hair. Clearing your throat and pulling your eyes from him, you gathered your bookbag and coffee cup before speaking again.

"Come on." You stood and turned to face him. "I'll buy you a coffee and then we'll head to class. We both have some time after it's over, so I'll give you a condensed campus tour."

"You are a lifesaver, Y/n." Bucky sighed in relief. "How can I return the favor?"

"Buy me coffee and a bagel on your way to class tomorrow and we'll call it even." You quipped and looped your arm through his to take him to your favorite campus coffee shop.


After your first class, you walked Bucky around half of the campus before heading to your second class of the day. You swapped numbers with Bucky and told him you'd meet him at the student center so the two of you could grab lunch and then finish your campus tour before your afternoon classes began. After making sure that he knew where he was going, you headed to your Modern Physics class.

Bucky Barnes Imagines Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now