Starting Over

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TW: This story contains mentions of death.

Saturday morning was always your busiest time of the week. People were trying to pack as much fun as possible into their day and that meant caffinating. Your coffee shop was fairly popular due to the variety of coffee blends and pastries that were offered, and it had a cozy atmosphere that made your clients feel at ease. Traditional tables and chairs were set up along the walls, but you also had several plush couches and chairs available for those that wanted to relax as they enjoyed their drinks and sweet treats.

However, Saturday was special to you for a different reason. It was the day that you saw your favorite customers. Every Saturday for the past year at exactly ten on the dot, Bucky Barnes walked into your shop with his best friends, Steve and Sam, and his son Grant. Your friend and co-owner of the shop, Wanda, had been urging you to ask him out for months. You wanted to, but Bucky didn't seem interested. He didn't have a wedding band and Grant had never mentioned his mom, but that didn't mean there wasn't a woman in his life.

Regardless of how he felt, there was no harm in admiring your handsome patron. His thick, dark hair made his icy blue eyes even more striking. The sharp line of his jaw was usually covered with light stubble and you wondered what it would be like to run your fingers along it. It wasn't hard to see that he had an impressive physique hiding beneath the jeans and t-shirt that he liked to pair with a flannel. Everything about him screamed attractive, including the shy smile he always wore.

What you loved most, though, was the way he interacted with his son. You could tell that he was an amazing father just from the ten minutes that he spent in your shop every Saturday. Your second wave of customers had just died down when the bell over your door rang and you saw Bucky entering with Grant's hand held in his.

"Here comes your man, Y/n." Wanda whispered and nudged you with her elbow.

The corner of your mouth raised in a small smile as you and Wanda began making their usual order. Sam and Steve followed Bucky in, with Sam quickly cutting in front of the others and making a beeline for the counter.

"Good morning, gorgeous ladies. How's your Saturday going so far?" Sam asked with a broad smile.

"It's been great, but it's even better now that you're here." Wanda said and winked at Sam.

"And you, Y/n." Sam said with a chuckle.

"It's fine, Sam." You laughed and shifted your attention to Grant. "Got a new cookie for you to try out this morning, kiddo."

"What is it?" Grant asked, excitedly.

He looked like a mini version of Bucky with the same dark hair and clear blue eyes. Eyes that were currently shining up at you as he waited for your answer.

"Birthday cake." You said with a grin.

"Are there sprinkles and frosting?"

You handed Sam and Steve their cups and turned to look down at Grant.

"Do you think I'm a heathen?" You asked in mock offense. "Of course there are sprinkles and frosting."

"Yes!" Grant jumped up and down, clenching his little hands in victory.

"Hop on up and I'll grab you one, munchkin."

"Help me, daddy." Grant looked up at Bucky and raised his arms for his dad to place him on the counter.

Bucky reached down and plucked Grant off the ground, then sat him on the edge of the counter. You returned with Bucky's finished coffee, Grant's hot chocolate, and the cookie.

"Thanks, Y/n." Bucky said softly as you handed him his cup and he handed over cash for their order.

His fingers grazed yours lightly when he took his cup and you felt your pulse increase at the slight touch of his skin on yours. You could feel your cheeks flush, so you quickly nodded and turned your attention back to Grant.

Bucky Barnes Imagines Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now