Worth The Wait Pt. 3*

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Senior Year, the night before graduation

When you entered your apartment, you fell face first onto the couch and groaned in exhaustion. Work had been hectic and you regretted volunteering to work a double shift. The day went even slower without Bucky being there. Things were a bit awkward between the two of you since the night of your date with Marc.

You caught Bucky shooting lingering stares your way and he seemed nervous and awkward around you. It reminded you a lot of the first day you met him. It was frustrating and felt like he was shutting you out, but you barely had time to sleep let alone confront him about his behavior. Now that exams were over and you both had the next three days free to celebrate your graduation, you planned on asking him what was going on.

You pushed yourself up from the couch and dragged yourself to your bedroom and into the bathroom. Once you had run a bath and lit several candles, you flicked the light off and shed your clothes. You sank into the warm water and let the bath oils and salts you added release the tension from your aching muscles. A small sigh left your lips and you slid further down in the tub. The only thing missing was a glass of wine and it would have been the perfect way to unwind after work.

The water began to cool and your skin was starting to prune when you decided it was time to get out. Your stomach was protesting your choice to skip your lunch break, so once you were dressed you were going to order pizza and spend the rest of your night in bed. You wrapped a towel around you and entered your bedroom to change, but instead you saw Bucky leaned back on your bed with his phone in his hand.

You gasped in surprise, not expecting him to be in your room, and his attention snapped to you. His eyes moved over your startled expression and then took in the fact that only a towel covered your body. A shiver crawled over every inch of skin that his eyes touched. The mounds of your breasts, the length of your legs, the bare expanse of your arms, shoulders, and neck. His gaze flicked over your lips and when his eyes met your, his pupils were dilated and appeared almost black.

"Hey, doll." His smooth voice called.

"What are you doing in here, Bucky?" You asked in a breathy whisper.

You silently cursed the lustful way your voice sounded.

"We haven't spent much quality time together over the past few weeks between exams and work and I've missed my doll."

You swallowed the lump in your throat that formed at his words. Bucky stood up from your bed and walked towards you. You could've swore that you were going crazy, but it almost looked as if he was stalking towards you like you were his prey. The heated look in his eyes made wetness pool between your legs and you discreetly pressed your thighs together. When he stood in front of you, he titled your face up to look at him and then ran his fingertips along your jawline.

"Get dressed and come to my room." Bucky said softly.

"For what?" You asked.

"A surprise." Was the only thing he said before leaving your room.

Huffing out a breath, you leaned your back against the wall behind you and took a moment. Your whole body felt hot and sensitive. The towel brushing against your pebbled nipples didn't help ease the tension that a few looks and the soft touch of Bucky's skin on yours caused. You quickly changed into shorts and a tank top and took a few deep breaths before you walked across the hall and into Bucky's room.

He was sprawled out on his bed with Netflix up on his TV, a pizza box on the bed, and a six pack of beer on his nightstand. You stood next to the door, waiting for him to notice you. If this had been any other time, you would have walked into his room and plopped down on his bed immediately. But after the tension filled interaction you just had with him, it felt weird to walk into his room as if you belonged there.

Bucky Barnes Imagines Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now