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The compound was busy as Tony's party planner flitted around one of the event rooms. There were people decorating, a dance floor was being set up, bottles of liquor and cases of beer were being brought in, and a chef from one of the most prominent restaurants in New York was in the kitchen down the hall preparing some of the best smelling food you'd ever come across. Tony had gone all out for tonight and it brought a smile to your face that he agreed to your request. You knew he was only doing it because you were his best friend, but knowing that he was making it the party of your dreams made your heart swell.

The guest list wasn't huge, but you still wanted the party to be grandiose and memorable. It wasn't every day that the love of your life turned one hundred and six and you wanted to make it the best birthday he had ever had. Steve and Sam had gladly taken Bucky out for the day while everything was being set up. You wanted to surprise him and it would be impossible to do that if he had stayed in the compound, even if you were successful in keeping him away from the party set up.

As evening fell, you rushed upstairs to get ready. You showered and curled your hair, did your makeup with a neutral smokey eye and red lip, and slipped on the deep red, lace mini-dress with spaghetti straps and a plunging neckline that you had picked out three weeks ago. You were just slipping on your black peep toe stilettos when Bucky walked into the room you shared. He groaned as he fell on the bed, not even bothering to look at you.

"Steve and Sam fucking ran me around the whole damn city."

"Oh, yeah? What'd you do?" Your voice held a hint of amusement as you looked at him laying on the bed in a starfish pose.

"A whole lot of nothing. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate hanging out with them, but I would rather be here with you."

Bucky finally opened his eyes and pushed himself up with his hands flat on the bed behind him. When he caught sight of your dress and makeup, his eyes widened and his lips parted in shock.

"Wow, doll. You look—" He trailed off.

"How do I look, baby?"

"Stunning, sexy, like a goddess, absolutely breathtaking. Take your pick." He said, eyes scanning up and down your body. "Where are you off to?"

"We have plans tonight, so get up and put this blindfold on." You tossed a scarf at him and crossed your arms, waiting for him to do it.

"What plans? We didn't plan anything." Bucky furrowed his brow in confusion.

"You didn't, but I did. It's your birthday and I wanted to do something special for you."

"I haven't celebrated my birthday since the forties, Y/n." Bucky sighed.

"I know, that's why I wanted to do something for you."

You smiled and crawled onto the bed between his legs, taking his face in your hands. He sucked in a breath as your lips brushed against his and you rubbed your thumbs across the stubble on his cheek.

"Then tonight I have a very special present for you." Your lips curved into a sexy smile and you lowered your voice.

Bucky gulped and you could see his expression flit between nervous and lustful. He hadn't had sex since before his time with Hydra. He spent decades as the Winter Soldier, then years on the run, and finally years trying to undo the conditioning in his brain in order to find some semblance of peace. It was just recently that he was beginning to feel somewhat normal. You were part of the reason he was doing so well.

You encouraged and loved him through his hardest times and he was grateful for everything you'd done for him. He was in love with you and knew there was no one else he wanted to be with. It wasn't that he didn't want to have sex with you, but he was scared that he wouldn't be able to satisfy you after over eighty years of celibacy. Before he could dwell any further on the insinuation your words held, you climbed off the bed and grabbed his hand to pull him up.

Bucky Barnes Imagines Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now