I Don't Want You Pt. 4*

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"Nat, I can't drink anything else." You groaned as Nat sat another colorful cocktail in front of you.

"Of course you can. We're Russian—"

"That's what we do. Yeah, yeah. I already got this speech from Yelena almost two weeks ago. You both know there's more to Russians than just drinking, right?"

"Of course. But you have to admit that this is the best part." Yelena said, tipping her shot glass back and swallowing the clear liquid down.

You rolled your eyes and sipped from the cocktail Nat brought you. They waited for you to finish your drink and then pulled you out of your chair and onto the dance floor. You protested the whole way. Even though you let them drag you out to the packed club, you didn't want to do anything other than drink until you could forget your conversation with Bucky earlier in the day.

Zemo was blackmailing him. He was using you against him. You didn't know what Zemo wanted Bucky to do, but it wasn't good. Nothing associated with Zemo was good and he wasn't a man to take no as an answer. He knew that Bucky would never willingly help him, so he threatened you. Zemo had influence everywhere, if he wanted to get to you then he'd figure out a way. Bucky had to be desperate and hopeless to even consider saying the things he had said to you. Maybe he really didn't see any other way.

You shook the thought from your head as you stepped onto the dance floor. Regardless of what went through his mind, he stood in front of you and destroyed you. That wasn't something you could forgive easily. You danced with Nat and Yelena until they decided to grab another drink. The alcohol you had consumed was coursing through your body and you were having too much fun moving to the beat, so you stayed on the dance floor. Your body swayed with the music as your eyes closed and your hands ran up the sides of your body and into your hair.

A set of hands caressed your hips, but your inhibitions were affected enough that you didn't care. You stepped backwards and pressed against the man behind you, continuing to move your hips back and forth. His arms wrapped around you and his hips grinded into your ass. After only a few moments, the man was no longer behind you. You turned to look behind you and saw Bucky's fist flying at the man's face.

"Bucky! Stop!" You raced forward and pulled Bucky back before he could hit the man again.

"Let me go, Y/n!"

Bucky yanked his arm out of your hold and stepped forwards. The man you had been dancing with scrambled up from the floor as Bucky walked towards him. You lunged at Bucky again and grabbed his arms, giving the man time to push through the crowd that had formed around the three of you.

"Leave him alone, Bucky. We were just dancing!"

"THAT was not dancing. That was him trying to give you a preview of what he really wanted to do!"

"You are unbelievable! What are you even doing here?"

Bucky shifted on his feet and glanced away from you. After hearing you tell Yelena and Nat that you would go out with them, he decided to follow you. You may be mad at him, but he didn't like the thought of you wearing next to nothing and being surrounded by a room full of horny assholes.

"I came to keep an eye on you. To make sure you were okay."

"I don't need your protection." You seethed. "Stay away from me, Bucky."

You turned around, pushing through the throng of bodies moving around the dance floor. You could see the bar about ten feet in front of you. Now all you had to do was find Nat and Yelena.

"You aren't running away from me again." Bucky said, grabbing your arm and spinning you around right before you could reach the bar. "We need to talk this out. I need you to tell me what to do to fix this."

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