The beginning of chaos

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-cringe (?)
-my first story so don't expect good writing
-Before s5

It was like any other day in the agency, Kunikida was being the workaholic he is, and Dazai lazing around while everyone does their own thing.

Then, out of nowhere, a news broadcast interrupts Dazai's music..

"Hello people of Yokohama, this is Yokohama's news station, there have been many reports of vampires in the area-"

Dazai swipes away his music

"Sigh..What has the world come to? Vampires?"

Dazai says tiredly. Dazai knew that this world consisted of supernatural abilities, but vampires? He couldn't bring himself to believe it. Sure, Dazai wasn't sane, but he was sane enough to know that this might be a bluff.

Dazai is now bored. As now, every time he opens his music that dumb news broadcast starts to immediately play. After 5 unbearable minutes, Dazai gives up and just listens to it, now driven by curiosity.

"Vampires have been reported around the area, police suspect it to be an ability user, however, their identity has yet to be known. So, we would like everyone to be aware of these dangerous beasts during the night. As always, we wish everyone safety, if you would like more information, go to our website, as we will be posting new found information there-"

Dazai closes out his music app again

"Vampires, huh? Maybe they do exist...sigh, what am I thinking? There's no way they really exist..but I should probably still keep an eye out just in case.."

Dazai was sceptical of them being real, but so much has happened that he wouldn't be surprised if they were real.

Then, Dazai's work partner, Kunikida Doppo, comes up to him

"Dazai! Why haven't you started on any of the reports I gave you?!", Kunikida yelled.

"Ah, but Kunikida-kun! It's so much work!", Dazai whined. In actuality, it wasn't even that much work..

"Just get it done!"
Kunikida said, as he went back to his work desk, and got back to work.

Dazai sighed. He doesn't understand how Kunikida could work so much...

Dazai was now facing the consequences of not doing his work. He is currently forced to make sure everything is in its place at the agency. Making sure that it was nice and tidy and there were no intruders in the building.

He didn't want to do this, but at least he got Atsushi to do his all his paperwork for him, he's such a nice kid.

As Dazai is preparing to lock the agency door, he hears something...something outside, which is quite strange considering the agency is on the 4th floor.

Dazai looks over at where the noise is coming from, the window. He gets closer to the window, He is now right in front of it.

He doesn't see anything. Only falling snow...

"Maybe I'm just hearing things..."
He muttered to himself.

Then, he hears yet another noise.

Dazai suspects that maybe it's some rebellious teenagers throwing snowballs. Then, he remembers that news broadcast.

" actually be..a vampire?"
Dazai thinks to himself...if the news broadcast were real, then it weren't entirely impossible for it to be a vampire outside the agency.

Dazai stares off. Staring at the falling snow. Watching as they fall gracefully. Then, before he knows it, a petite figure crashes through, sending glass flying, some cutting Dazai's face. It happens so fast, Dazai couldn't process it in time, or atleast he couldn't till it was too late. As he felt sharp fangs sink deep into his neck.

Dazai make a noise of pain, the man wasn't very fond of being hurt.

Now, Dazai was facing two problems, one, his blood is being drained at a concerning pace, and two, he couldn't undo this figure's death grip on him.

It was a tough battle, as Dazai tried to pry this thing off him, as he started dealing with the lightheadedness and fatigue. But eventually, lady luck was on his side, and he threw the figure to the floor

Dazai said in pure disbelief...what he saw, shocked him to the core...

He saw a very familiar that he could never mistaken for anyone else...the thing that bit him, was none other than Chuuya Nakahara, aka Dazai's partner from his mafia days.

Chuuya was like a rabid animal, he was growling, drooling. Clearly hungry for more blood.

"Chuuya!? What the hell?! What's wrong with you-"

Then..Dazai saw it...fangs...Chuuya was a vampire..vampires were real. Though Dazai was mostly shocked that Chuuya became one.

Dazai said softly

Though, it didn't process to Chuuya's mind that he was attacking his former partner, as he was completely driven by hunger and vampirism. Dazai is now more prepared, as Chuuya tries to attack him again, but Dazai pushes him back.

After 10 tiring minutes and boring fighting, Dazai managed to get the rabid Chuuya to stop attacking him..though he was still growling and bearing his fangs at Dazai.

"Chuuya, hey... Look, I don't like you, but, can we at least try and like, talk? Like, normal people for once??"

Dazai received no response.

"Hey, Chuuya?..why aren't you talking? You know, dogs usually listen and respond to their owners.."

Dazai said that with the intention of trying to provoke the vampiric redhead, which worked. As Chuuya let out a snarl as a sign of warning.

Now, Dazai knew Chuuya was still in there..just..not in a lot of control, which reminds Dazai of Chuuya's corrupted form.

"Sigh, would you be more 'tame' if I gave you my blood?"
Dazai says annoyed, as if his suspicions were correct, then he would have to deal with more pain.

Chuuya stops growling for a moment. Almost as if thinking of Dazai's suggestion. Before just nodding a bit. At least he still understands words...

"What a pain...why is it always Chuuya that causes me pain?...fine..."
Dazai offers his arm reluctantly to the vampire. And he watches as Chuuya walks over and not so very gently, sinks his fangs into Dazai's vein.

"Ow! You could have at least been gentle..."

Dazai complains about the pain the whole time. Till eventually, Chuuya stops drinking, now satisfied.

That's when Dazai realizes something..

"Does this mean you'll be a vampire forever?"

Dazai wasn't sure who he was asking. But Chuuya seems to respond. How did he respond? Running over to the agency's TV, and turning it to the news. And the channel starts to play.

"This is Yokohama news, and we have found the identity of the ability user who has put this curse of vampirism all over Yokohama. Their name is Kyūketsuki Bōryoku, we are unsure of his current location, but we know that he's a man in his 30's that has slick back hair."

Dazai is confused at first. Till it finally clicks. Chuuya is trusting him to try and find this ability user, and nullify his ability to take the curse of vampirism off Yokohama.

Author's note
That was part one, the writing is absolutely horrible, but this is the first fic I've ever written, and it's based off a character ai chat. But I had fun writing this, even if it's slightly cringe.
Also for Kyūketsuki's name, I just put "Vampire" and "Violence" into Google translate, cause I wasn't creative enough to come up with a name.

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