When all pops and spills

14 0 2

- blood
- cursing
- all over the place
- slightly out of character
- kinda short

He felt like he couldn't breathe... The darkness absorbed his torso. He can't give up. Who would he be if he did?

Chuuya struggled to reach up. Eventually sitting up a bit. Everything was so...hard...

Why was it so hard? He was a Mafia executive for heaven's sake! Why was he struggling to stand?

Chuuya tried to reach for the light again. Just. One. More...chance...

He grasped it. It burned. It burned so much, but he needed to get back. He hated it here. It didn't make him feel human.

His hand held tight to the small ball of light, he could see small things happening. Based on what he could see and feel...he was...burning..?

Dazai panicked, he had forgotten that today was Kunikida's monthly "deep clean Dazai's nasty ass apartment" day. And he had opened the curtain..

The brunette quickly pulled the burning vampire away.

"Fuck-..Chuuya, why didn't you move?"
Dazai panted. Look, the man was thin and had no muscle.

However. Dazai couldn't help but notice Chuuya's eyes were more...human...they were more vibrant and his pupils were rounder. But, that wouldn't make sense. Kyūketsuki had quite literally told him he would have to wait a year until Chuuya turned human again. It's only been around 4 months. What the hell was going on?


Mori violently coughed. Blood poured from his mouth. Things have most definitely progressed. His eyes constantly burned. His throat ached. Everything was becoming unbearable. Worst of all? He hasn't gotten Chuuya back from Dazai, why was that man holding onto his subordinate so tightly? It was out of character. But, nows not the time to worry about such pests...

Violet eyes stared down at the blood. It had some black splotches in it. What? Mori stood confused, he's never seen anything like this. It was... Fascinating.

Dazai stood there stumped. Was Chuuya becoming human again? But, that doesn't make any sense. Sure, there's the possibility that Kyūketsuki lied to him, but that's such a weird thing to lie about.

The brunette sighed. Watching as Chuuya's burns slowly healed. Slower than usual. Maybe he was becoming human again. Maybe...there's a chance. A chance Dazai didn't see possible.

There's only one person he could ask...


Kunikida yelled, irritation pouring from hus voice.

"Awee but Kunikida-kuuun, I was so tired~"

"You lazy ass!"

After some scolding from Kunikida, Dazai was finally able to go to Ranpo.

Dazai calls out

"Oh, Dazai-san, sorry, but Ranpo-san isn't here. He's on a case"


"Oh? Is he? That's a bummer"
Dazai sighs

"Sorry Dazai-sa-"

The agency door opens, the very familiar detective bursting through.

"Oh, welcome back Ranpo-san!"
Atsushi smiled as he walked back to his chair.

"Ranpo-san! I need-"

"Again Dazai?"
Ranpo groaned.

"What is it this time?"

"So, if someone were to, hypothetically, become a vampire and be told to become human in a year, but, hypothetically, started to look more human in a few months, how does that happen?"

Dazai awkwardly explained, the brunette staring at the detective with slight nervousness

"Hm. This isn't hypothetical, is it, Dazai?"

Dazai sighed.

"Just, please answer the question.."

"How odd of you. Sigh, the only reason I could think of, is that, "hypothetically" the vampire is regaining consciousness."

Ranpo explained, putting a pick lollipop in his mouth.

"Huh..Thank you Ranpo-san!"

Dazai ran out the agency.


Dazai practically ran home. Aka, next door. Bursting open the door.


He stood in shock...

Was this really happening?

How...did this happen?

Why was Chuuya-?

Author's note

Get cliffhangered :p jk, sorry this took so long, I honestly forgot about this fic 🥲 but it's ok! I'll try my best, even with school starting soon. I hope you enjoyed this messy chapter!

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