The day the darkness came

13 0 3

-  blood
- out of character?
- cringe (?)
- short

Dazai stares at Chuuya. Ever since the incident, Chuuya hasn't been able to control his blood thirst, often waking Dazai up at unreasonable hours due to being starving. Tonight, was one of those nights.

"No Chuuya, I'm going to die, and sure, I love death and all, but not by your hands...or...fangs"

Dazai firmly says to the vampire, who is looking at him like he's joking.

Chuuya looks at him with striking blue eyes, before grunting and walking off and simply sitting on the floor, staring at Dazai like prey.

"Oh dear.."

The brunette sighs, he hasn't figured out how to turn Chuuya back, other than waiting a year. In which, he doesn't think he can wait that long.

Osamu heads to the kitchen, he doesn't sleep much either way, but seeing "3:53 am" on the microwave just made him feel exhausted. He opens the refrigerator, pulling out some canned crab.

That's when he feels familiar gloved hands grab his neck and Chuuya bitting him.


Dazai grabs Chuuya's hair, struggling to pull Chuuya off. However, his efforts were futile, and he was left waiting for Chuuya to finish. It didn't help that lately, Chuuya has been having a bigger appetite than usual.


He grumbles, already feeling weak and fatigued. But Chuuya didn't move, he was drinking without a care.

Dazai finally had enough and managed to pull Chuuya off. The redhead's lips stained red, with blood slipping from his mouth, looking almost... innocent? But, Dazai knows that right now, Chuuya is anything but innocent.

"Chuuya, look, I get that you're a vampire right now, but you need to control your blood thirst. It's getting out of control and I'm going to die if this continues"

He tries to explain. In which, it looks like Chuuya understands, but he might not actually understand. Dazai doesn't know.

But, that fear.

What if.

Chuuya never becomes human?

And it's all Dazai's fault?



What am I?


Where am I?




Darkness slowly absorbed him, little by little. Gently gripping his arms. Swallowing his torso. Taking him. suffocating him.

Chuuya's dull eyes stared at nothing. He could see what was happening, but no matter how hard he tried to get out the darkness. It took him back.

Eventually. He gave up. The darkness was too much.

But. He wanted to try. Just. One. More. Time.

His pale hand reached up, darkness sticking to it like slime. His hand reached up, and he tried to sit up. Darkness slowly tried to pull him back, but he didn't want to.

His upper half slowly sat up. He felt cold. He almost wanted to go back. Feel warm again. Maybe not worry anymore. But. He wanted his life back. He wanted to be. Human.

He tried again, the darkness trying to swallow him more.


Chuuya mumbles to himself, his hand trying to reach for the little light in the sky.


Dazai heard Chuuya mutter.


Dazai looked at him curiously, the vampire had been sleeping since it was daytime now, but he hasn't spoken since Koyou visited.

Yet, he remained asleep. His mouth not opening again.

Chuuya was almost completely up. But, his legs. They were completely absorbed.

He's tired.


He should give up.

So tired.

His hazy eyes began to close a bit.

He's so tired.

Maybe the darkness isn't so bad.

Why should he even go to the light?

Why should he when the darkness is so comfortable?

He reaches

His finger tips touch the's so much warmer than the darkness.


So warm.

Chuuya reaches more for the light. But.

The pool of darkness wraps around him and forces him back. He was so tired. He could try again later...ya..later...

Author's note

I liked writing about the "darkness". It's kind of symbolizing how Chuuya sees the Mafia as family, yet knows how much the "light" would be better. But can't find himself to leave.

The end is soon

Thank you for reading this chapter.

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