The hour of torture

17 0 0

- blood
- violence
- cringe
- cursing
- out of character?
- gore
- maggots

What was happening? The urge...was strong...Chuuya couldn't control himself...before he knew it, he was attacking subordinates left and right, fangs digging deep into their necks and sucking them dry. There was screaming, but that just seemed to push him more. This urge, this hunger, it was driving Chuuya crazy. Chuuya himself could barely register what he was doing, he could barely register the screams, he could barely register the call of his own name.

He could barely register himself attacking a bystander. Where was he? This...this wasn't headquarters...

Chuuya's eyes widen, finally out of insanity, his face covered in blood, clothes covered in blood. The nauseating part? It wasn't his blood...

He looks in front of him, to see a woman holding her child, or, what was left of her child...the child's body was practically just blood, his neck was torn apart, one of his eyes popped out his socket and sat on his cheek.

Chuuya backs away, he could feel his breath increasing, before running.

"What the fuck did I do?!"

Thoughts as such raced through his mind, however, they stopped once he looked at the sky. It was almost morning. He paused, realizing that he needs shelter. But, that one part of his mind... That single part... Says that he should stay there and burn... However, he wasn't Dazai.

He ran once more, already recognizing where he was.

"What's up with you?"

Kunikida looks at Dazai, who is sitting at his work area, staring off at nothing.

"Kunikida-kun~ I don't wanna wooork~"
Dazai whines in a desperate attempt to avoid the question.

Kunikida just scoffs. And gets back to work.




Atsushi says, slightly nervous

"Hm? What is it Atsushi-kun?"

"Apparently the Port Mafia was attacked says over 100 of their subordinates was killed"

Dazai's eyes widen, over...100?

" did they die?"

"It says 'by an unnatural force'"

Dazai immediately stands up.

"I have to go!"

He runs out the office.

"...that's new"

"Finally, quiet"

The brunette runs through the city of Yokohama, speeding past everyone and everything.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck"
Was all he could think. This was bad. Like, really bad.

He runs by the Mafia headquarters. Holy shit...

He sees blood. Everywhere. Windows were soaked, the cement was wet, and the bodies already had maggots on them.

It was truly a disgusting sight. However, all the blood cause a trail. A small one, yet a trail no less.


Dazai immediately follows the trail, heading to a park, where he sees an eyeball. Then it slowly leads to an apartment. Specifically, Chuuya's.

"I'm surprised he had enough self-control to find his own apartment"

Dazai mumbles to himself, as he picks the lock frantically.

After maybe a few minutes, Dazai bursts open the door, the apartment was silent, except for a very soft drinking noise.


Dazai called out, soon taking a turn, and seeing Chuuya crouched down near the sofa..drinking from someone's dead corpse.


Suddenly, Chuuya begins to growl, it seems he's either truly lost it, or still pissed off at Dazai. It was a sight Dazai never wanted to see.

"Chuuya please...I'm sorry-"

Suddenly, a hiss fills the room, and Chuuya bites hard on the corpse, drinking more of its blood. The corpse was a man with blackish hair, his skin pale from Chuuya sucking its blood.

Dazai sighs, and decides it's better to just let Chuuya drink the blood then leave him alone.

Mori stands in front of all the graves of his subordinates.

"Don't let the public know about this.."


Mori sits in his office, thinking about what was truly a sight, to see his own executive biting and killing his own subordinates. A smirk creeps up at his lips. Oh, this will be fun.

1 month ago


Mori groans, feeling the piercing feeling of fangs in his shoulder. His immediate reaction is to start attacking, which he promptly does, smacking the redhead until the vampire lets go.

" worked.."

He says with a shit eating grin.

He looked at the redhead, his eyes were still blue, but pupils were slit, also the addition of fangs and blood thirst.

"Heh...haha, what an interesting react-"

Before he could continue, Chuuya managed to escape, breaking down the metal door and escaping the ancient hospital. Leaving Mori wounded...but most importantly...slowly killing him.

He stood in front of the mirror, his top clothes were off. Mori stared at the inflamed bite mark, the wound green and dripping. Rashes spreading to his chest and back. His skin irritated. Blood pooled in the sink.


The man mutters, ever since the symptoms started, his life has been hell. Not even being with Elise made his mood increase. He was in constant pain.

Violet eyes make contact with the mirror. the bite mark. It was disinfected and everything, yet somehow, looked infected. As pus sapped out of it, creating a nasty mess.

What was he going to do?

Author's note
I desperately tried to make this chapter longer, but I ran out of ideas...I hope it's long enough though! 854 words! (Not counting this note) I hope you enjoyed this mess of a chapter!

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