Characters - UTY Cast

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Clover: Unofficial Leader and Human Ambassador

Appearance: Has grown taller over the years. His hair is cut short. Wears a slightly modified version of his original outfit. His hat casts a shadow over his eyes (not as intimidating as in his Vengeance Run, unless he chooses it to be.) A lot of the sweetness he had when he first fell has disappeared but will return under certain circumstances.

He's at the head of all diplomatic meetings between the Wild East and the Greater Underground. Wants both peace and justice. Is trying to prove humanity isn't bad but is constantly battling his own anger. Still plans to free the five souls.

He remembers LOADS perfectly. However, Resests are trickier. He doesn't remember his earliest runs. Most of what he does remembers comes from flashbacks and nightmares. He remembers his Vengeance route most vividly. Doesn't want to become like that again... But will if he is pushed far enough.

Many describe him as having an intimidating aura. His closest friends describe him as having the kindest soul in the Underground.

Lives in the Mayoral Office because of his status and safety reasons

LV 3, 0 EXP

Ceroba: Official Leader

Appearance: Wears a white suit and a red tie most of the time. Wears a simplified version of her original outfit for casual events.

After the Wild East declared its independence, it was made into a Democracy. Ceroba became the first Mayor of the town, now a nation and has been reelected several times.

She had the Steamworks repurposed to help the residents of the Wild East, providing them with a new source of power and easy access to the Greater Underground. Some of the robots were repurposed to help the residents.

Still wants answers about Kanako.

Starlo: Head of Law Enforcement and Defence.

Appearance: Has dropped the poncho for combat efficiency. Wears hidden body armor behind his usual sheriff outfit. Has a bullet belt wrapped around his torso. Has built up some muscle over the years.

He takes his new role very seriously but still goes by North Star. Human-hating extremists from the Greater Underground have sneaked into the Wild East to either sabotage them or steal Clover's soul. This raised the need for security dramatically.

He and Ceroba have developed a much more flirtatious relationship but are still trying to keep it professional. Clover and the others won't let them.

He caught the first unlucky bastard trying to kill Clover in his sleep. Doesn't want to risk that happening again.

Feisty Four: Special Forces.

After the Sanctuary was established, Starlo told his friends that they would no longer be 'playing around' and that things were about to get very dangerous. He told them they were allowed to back out at any moment they wished. They refused.

They are now essentially Starlo's five-star generals. They are in charge of training new recruits. They each also have unique jobs, important to the security of the Sanctuary.

Ed - He's Clover's primary bodyguard. Whenever the only human in the Underground is out in the open, Ed is almost always the one to accompany him.

Moray - They oversee the prisoners. Prisoners may include mercenaries sent to assassinate Clover, extremists, general law breakers etc. They are basically the warden and treat their prisoners fairly. However, it's been noted that those who attempted to kill Clover received slightly less food.

Ace - Head of investigations. He's the one who finds patterns in places patterns shouldn't exist. Uses his playing cards in his conspiracy boards because Clover told him about a character in a TV Show who did that and he liked the idea.

Mooch - Reconasince and Scavenging. The Dunes aren't all that plentiful in terms of natural resources. That is where Mooch's kleptomania comes in handy. She leads teams into the Greater Underground to gather materials they can't trade for and generally nobody would miss. She also steals information, using her innocent appearance and small size to get people to tell her things or find her way into their darkest closets. She sees the Lab as her greatest challenge.

They are all relatively the same personality-wise. Just a bit more serious.

Martlet: Royal Guard Scout and Sanctuary Mole.

Appearance: Feathers aren't as fluffy, overall just a sleeker more aerodynamic appearance. Some fluffiness still remains.

Not an official resident of the Wild East. She still works for the Royal Guard but only to gather intel and have the best possible chance to find a human before someone else and bring them to the Wild East. Because of this high-stakes job, she has become more anxious, especially around other guards.

She's unsure if this is the best course of action but trusts Clover and the others.

Dalv: Scholar.

Appearance: Has mostly dropped the vampire outfit for something more weather-appropriate. When indoors, he wears a purple jumper and grey pants.

He still lives in Snowdin and tries to avoid the conflict. As a result, he's become a shut it once again but is still visited by his friends frequently.

This doesn't mean that he's not doing his part. He, like many people on both sides, doesn't want these tensions to spiral into something everyone would regret. So he spends his time shifting through history books, diaries, personal recounts and human myths and legends to figure out exactly what happened during the Human-Monster War.

He is also working to decipher what happened to each of the Fallen Children, especially Integrity.

Axis: Head of Steamworks Security

This little robot is happier than ever. He has been given a very important role in the newly reopened Steamworks, received multiple upgrades, is happily married and has a kid. These upgrades have made him far more combat-capable with reinforced armour, improved blasters, a gyro-stabilizer to prevent him from tipping over as well as his army of army of camera drones to help him monitor everything going on.

He is likely the one who benefited the most from the conflict between the Sanctuary and the Greater Underground.

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