True Pacifist: Part 5

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After dealing with the crazy killer robot, Frisk will head back towards MTT Resort. Whether it's to restock on Items or something else doesn't really matter. As they're walking down the pathway between the CORE and MTT Resort, their phone rings.

Undyne's voice comes through the speaker, "Hello, human. This, uh, is Undyne."

Her voice becomes fainter as she speaks away from her phone, "Shut up, Papyrus! This was YOUR idea!"

"HUMAN! I need you to deliver something for me! ...please? I am aware that there is no reason for you to do this, and I probably should be asking someone else, but... If you are willing to do it, then I'm at Snowdin in front of Papyrus' place. I'll see you there."

She hangs up.

Taking a ride with River Person, Frisk arrives back in Snowdin. Due to befriending Papyrus, and technically because Undyne is there, neither the Royal Guards nor the Royal Volunteers will attack Frisk. If Frisk were to talk to some of the Royal Guards located around the town, then they would make an excuse about not wanting to be humiliated by a child for the second time, something that the Sanctuary would supposedly take full advantage of.

Oddly enough, only Papyrus will be standing outside the house. He'll greet Frisk as soon as they arrive.

"Greetings, friend! I am glad that you could come. You're probably wondering where the good captain is. She's actually waiting inside of my toolshed, better known as the CAPTURE ZONE! It is where I would have kept you had I managed to defeat you during our battle. It's also where I sleep whenever Martlet stays over. I find the couch to be far too uncomfortable, and I would sooner give up puzzles than let either my brother or any of my friends sleep on it!"

If Frisk plundered the couch of all the coins inside it earlier on, Papyrus would mention that it has been oddly more comfortable to sit on recently.

"You wish to know why she's there? Well, according to her, she can't be seen socialising with a human. She claims it would have disastrous consequences for the Greater Underground. Personally, I think she's just embarrassed. Go talk to her and you'll see what I mean."

Entering the toolshed, you'll see that it is slightly more well-furnished. At the very least, it doesn't like it's meant to keep a pet dog. There's a mattress in the corner.

Undyne is standing across from the door, hands behind her back. She holds the appearance of a professional military officer (she's secretly fidgeting with her hands behind her back).

"Greetings, human. I see that you decided to come, even though you had no reason to. I... appreciate that. Listen... I know that we aren't friends and that you don't owe me anything (I probably still owe you a lot) but... I really need you to deliver this letter to Dr Alphys for me. What's that?  Why won't I do it myself? w-well...I-it's kind of... um... Okay. Don't tell anyone I've said this but... HOTLAND SUUUUCKS!!! I don't wanna have to go over there!!!"

Undyne coughs into her hand and quickly collects herself.

"Sorry about that. Here's the letter."

She gives Frisk the letter.

"Oh, and if you read it... then you can forget that this little truce ever happened. Thanks for the help. You're the best human that I have ever met."

Now it is time to head back to Hotland to deliver the letter to Alphys.

As is the case, the door to the Lab has no mailslot, so Frisk has to slide the letter underneath it. There is no response for a bit, so Frisk bangs on the door. This catches Alphys' attention.


Insert funny noises of Alphys tripping over random junk to get to the door.

When Alphys reaches the door and sees the letter, this is what she says, "O-oh n-no, is that another letter? I-I-I did everything that they told me. It's not my fault Mettaton... Is it actually from them or did they finally start gathering people to... I don't want to open it. C-can't I just slide it back out? I can't keep doing this. I'll read this one, no matter who it is from. Um... I-it's shut kind of strongly, isn't it? Wait a second... (Insert chainsaw noises or whatever machine she used to open it.) U-U-U-Undyne!?!"

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