True Pacifist: Part 3

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Martlet will land outside the Ketsukane Estate, which is now the Mayoral Estate. The gardens are now filled with countless flowers and there are now proper concrete pavements leading up to and around the mansion.

She'll guide Frisk inside and give a brief history lesson, explaining how the building had originally been built by Chujin to be a home for his family but has now been converted into a base of operations for the political side of the Sanctuary. But since Chujin's widow is currently the mayor, it serves pretty much the exact same purpose.

When they're standing outside the door to Ceroba's office, Martlet says, "Now, I know that Mayor Ketsukane can be intimidating at first but I promise she's actually super nice. She's just really tired from, you know, running a nation. Trust me, you'll warm up to her in no time."

Martlet will knock on the door.


The pair enter the office, where they see Ceroba sitting at a large study desk. She's dressed in a white suit with a red tie and is wearing a pair of reading glasses. She is surrounded by piles of paperwork. There are several potted plants dotted around the room and some picture frames either resting on the desk, the walls or shelves.

Ceroba smiles when she sees Martlet, not yet spotting Frisk, "Martlet. I didn't expect you to be back today. I thought you were going to have dinner with the skeletons tonight. Did something happen?"

Martlet: Something did, Madam Mayor. Sorry that I didn't alert you or the others earlier but it slipped my mind with all of the chaos.

Ceroba sighs, "I've told you a thousand times already, Martlet. We've known each other for years. Call me Ceroba."

Martlet: Of course, Mayor Ceroba.

Ceroba groans, "Why do I even bother?"

Martlet: Because you're too stubborn for your own good.

Ceroba: Don't remind me. Okay, enough banter. Say what you want to say. I'm very busy. There have been rumours of a...

Martlet steps to the side, revealing Frisk.

Ceroba: ...a human. Angel above, it finally happened.

Ceroba puts down her glasses and gets up from her desk. She walks around her desk and over to Frisk. She'll kneel down in front of Frisk to be closer to their level (this, along with other things, can change depending on your interpretation of Frisk) so they can speak to each other eye to eye and so that she hopefully doesn't appear intimidating to them.

Ceroba: Well, um... greetings human. My name is Ceroba, I'm the Sanctuary's mayor as you might have guessed. Um, what's your name?

Two options will appear, '...Frisk' or just '...'

If the first one is selected, Ceroba will smile softly and say, "That is a lovely name," while Martlet will squeal at how adorable the way Frisk said it was and compare them to Clover.

If the second option is selected, an awkward silence will fill the room which will be broken by Martlet awkwardly explaining that Frisk doesn't talk much, which Ceroba understands.

Ceroba: You must have been through a lot. Well, let me assure you, as the Mayor of the Sanctuary, that you don't have to worry any more. You are safe here. The Sanctuary is an independent city/nation meant to be created with the sole purpose of protecting any humans that fell into the Underground. You probably already know that wishes to take your Soul to break the Barrier and wage war with humanity. Well, we Monsters here in the Sanctuary will stop that from happening. It's wrong for us to blame your kind for something that happened millennia ago. We were wrong to lump every human into the same group as the few that are long dead. We were too focused on our own suffering to acknowledge our flaws or how we might have played a part in it. I'm sorry it took the suffering of so many of your kin before our eyes opened to the truth. We will amend for the mistakes of our kind and hopefully, when we do finally cross the Barrier, it will be with plans for a peaceful future between humans and Monsters. But... that's existential reflection.

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