Neutral Run: Pt 2

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Note: if you are curious about the layout of the Sanctuary, please check out the two chapters on its infrastructure.


Martlet appears in the room before the entrance to the Lab. Her attitude will depend on the kill count. Either way, she'll treat Frisk kindly but will be cautious if she believes them to be dangerous.

She'll apologise for taking so long to get to Frisk, explaining that it's been getting harder and harder to sneak away from her Royal Guard duties, even with the freedom that being a Scout gave her. She then realises that she forgot to introduce herself.

"I'm Royal Guard Scout Martlet. One of the Sanctuary's top operatives. It is my duty to track down and bring any humans back to base for their safety."

You are presented with two options. You can either trust Martlet or you can be sceptical. After all, why should Frisk trust this random Monster whom they never met?

Selecting 'Trust' has Martlet fly Frisk straight to the Sanctuary.

Selecting 'Do Not Trust' repeatedly triggers a mini-boss fight.

Martlet doesn't want to fight Frisk, but Clover has both told her and showed her that humans are stubborn and sometimes won't accept help unless you force them to.

Matlet's first few turns are spent not attacking. Instead, she tries to reason with Frisk and convince them that she doesn't want to hurt them. This period is shortened if Frisk chooses to attack Martlet. There are two Act options. 'Trust' and 'Beg'. Trust will automatically end the fight. Begging Martlet to leave them alone will cause Martlet to hesitate more when attacking Frisk.

No matter what, Martlet's attacks are slower than in UTY. She does not wish to fight Frisk and she continues attempting trying to persuade Frisk to believe her. As soon as Frisk's HP is low enough, let's say five or below, Martlet will apologise before knocking Frisk unconscious.

If Frisk somehow manages to win, a feat which requires a decent amount of LV, Martlet will retreat. She'll apologise for scaring Frisk and for attacking them. She gives them directions to the Steamworks and how to reach the Sanctuary from there before flying off.

This encounter acts as a junction point in the story. What happens if Frisk beats Martlet will be explored later.

Trust Marlet

Martlet will land outside the Ketsukane Estate, which is now the Mayoral Estate. The gardens are now filled with countless flowers and there are now proper concrete pavements leading up to and around the mansion. Here, Martlet will introduce Frisk to Mayor Ketsukane. Ceroba is happy to meet Frisk and tells them and Martlet to meet her and the others at the Saloon later.

Frisk can explore the Sanctuary with Martlet. The explorable area is limited to the Sanctuary's walls. All the residents show Frisk nothing but kindness and respect. No Monsters will ever attack Frisk while in the Sanctuary's borders.

Almost all of the major members of the Sanctuary can be found around the area. Ceroba will be in her office working on paperwork, Starlo and Ace will be in the Sheriff's Office, Mooch is resting in Café Dune after a recent haul but has enough energy to swipe Frisk's weapon and Moray will be watching over the prisoners in the newly constructed jail.

Side note, detailed descriptions of the interactions will be included in the Pacifist Run. Sorry.

The story will continue when Frisk and Martlet arrive at the Saloon. Dina is there to greet them and explains that the old timely bar was cleared out for the special occasion before guiding them to a large booth. Martlet and Frisk will discuss Frisk's journey up to this point while they wait for everyone to arrive. Ceroba arrives first, dressed in her UTY outfit rather than a suit and tie. Starlo, Ace, Mooch and Ace arrive next. The dialogue will vary depending on who Frisk has interacted with up to this point.

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