True Pacifist: Part 2

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Undyne will lead Frisk into her home and give them permission to look around and 'get acquainted'. However, she will keep an extremely close eye on Frisk the entire time. After all, they're still the enemy. She doesn't want them getting any useful intel.

Frisk will need to talk to Undyne to progress, "If you wanna talk, we should probably get comfortable. Go sit down. I'll get us something to drink."

Undyne won't waste any time providing false options (and breaking her table). Instead, she prepares the tea straight away. She knows this will be a tense conversation, and the tea will hopefully help her keep calm. She also wants to get this over with as soon as possible.

"Here you go. Golden Flower Tea." Frisk takes a careful sip, "It's pretty good, huh? It's the King's favourite."

A faint smile will appear as she reminisces, "He was everything to me growing up. Hero. Idol. Even a mentor. See, I was a real hothead as a kid. Always picking fights, and getting into trouble. I acted like a real human, you know. I didn't want anyone to think that they could push me around. I wanted to be strong. And one day, to prove I was the strongest, I challenged Asgore. For whatever reason, he decided to humour me. We went out to his garden... and he absolutely wiped the floor with me! I couldn't touch him! He didn't even fight back, he just ran circles around me until I ran outta steam. I was expecting him to punish me, or humiliate me or something... but he turned around and offered to teach me how to beat him!"

"From then on, he trained me. He taught me almost everything I know. The day I was finally able to knock him down... I felt like garbage for hurting him but he had the goofiest grin on his face! He was so proud! It seemed weird to me at the time. I mean, who feels good about losing? But in hindsight... I kinda get it. Not long after that, I joined the Royal Guard. Over the next few years, I rose the ranks and became Captain. Now I'm the one turning wimps into warriors! Though, some rookies are less wimpy than others."

"Like Papyrus! He was actually pretty tough, even before I got to him! But when he first asked to sign up... I wasn't sure. He's just... too nice. I mean, you've seen it first-hand! He was supposed to capture you, and now you're friends! I thought if I ever put him in front of a real enemy, he'd..."

"But I didn't really have much choice. The demand for Royal Guards had skyrocketed, all because of a few monsters in the outskirts of the Underground. The rebellion. The Sanctuary."

It had started with the paper, of all things. Overnight, hundreds of pages had been scattered across the entire Underground. They all had this cheesy speech written on them. I was so mad when I read it, that I spent a solid five hours running around Waterfall, ripping any piece of paper into tiny bits. Hold on, I think I have a copy somewhere. I don't think we'll ever truly get rid of all of them."

Undyne will get up from her table and look through her cupboards. She'll eventually find a worn piece of paper with the message from the Sanctuary. She'll hand the paper to Frisk to read.

As soon as Frisk is done, she'll continue talking, "It was a nightmare. People were panicking, begging us to do something and demanding answers that we didn't have. Everyone was confused. Why would an entire community of Monsters side with humanity? Why would they actively fight against everything we've worked for? Why would they want to delay our freedom? It didn't make any sense. I still can't wrap my head around it."

"I wanted to bring them to heel right away, but Asgore talked me down. And as much as I hate to admit it? He was right too. Because the rebels had an ace up their sleeve. Their very own Human... Clover. The so-called 'Ambassador of Humanity'."

"Anytime I suggested to Asgore that we just go in there and get this over with, a small part of me will remind me that Clover is there, and he won't show any hesitation. As embarrassing as it is to admit it, that brat knows how to be intimidating. He can give me goosebumps with just a look. So just imagine what he can do in a fight."

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