Early Days + Sanctuary Infastructure

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The idea to have the Wild East declare independence came from Martlet. To be more accurate, she made a comment which inspired the idea.

"It's not like we can just tell the Royal Guard that they can't come in. They have jurisdiction everywhere in the Underground."

Clover asked, "What if they didn't?"

It took many days of brainstorming. The idea was stuck in their heads like a catchy song. They threw other ideas at the wall, but that was the only one that stuck. Keeping Clover in hiding forever wasn't an option. Neither was abandoning the next human to their fate or even letting Monsterkind use the power of the 7 Souls to eradicate mankind.

They discussed it with many of the locals. To some, such as Dina and the Feisty Four, they were upfront. For others, they were vague, even acting as if Clover was already dead. Dalv was also brought into these conversations, as he was also Clover's friend.

Flowey watched all this with a fascination he hadn't felt for a long time. After all, it wasn't every day Monsters discussed going against the rule of King Asgore. This was something completely new. Something he had never experienced before. He would see this through to the end. No matter how long it took.

A month passed. Preparations were made. The residents of the Oasis Valley are brought into the fold. After all, the two towns are pretty close together, add a few more buildings and they're the same town. It was put to a vote. Clover's kindness was enough to convince them. The Protest Against the War on the Human Race had begun.

The same night after the vote was counted, Martlet flew across the entire Underground, dropping pamphlets that held the same message;

We will not let Clover die because of the actions of his ancestors.

We will not let Clover die because that is the will of a grieving man.

The human named Clover has shown us nothing but kindness since we met him. We will now repay that kindness tenfold.

The Wild East will no longer watch as innocent humans are hunted without mercy. Monsterkind will face Justice for our crimes. From this day forward, our borders will act as a safe haven for any who fall from the surface.

The Wild East, and Oasis Valley, are now independent from the rest of the Kingdom of Monsters and will no longer follow the Law set by the Royal Crown.

Stay Out. End the War. Free the Souls of the Children who came before.

It was a simple, if not proud, speech written on paper. Far from what could be considered an official declaration of independence. Nevertheless, the message it sent was loud and clear.

The kingdom was in chaos. Everyone had heard the message. Some pleaded with their King for answers. Some tried to contact the Wild East, hoping it was a joke. Some demanded that the Royal Guard should match down there and bring back the dust of those traitors along with the human soul.

Asgore was barely able to keep things under control long enough for the Kingdom to calm. His world was crumbling around him. He had done what he believed to be best for his kingdom. Now a part of his kingdom was rebelling against him for that decision.

What was Clover doing during this chaos? He sat in the Salloon and waited for the enemy to make their move.

The first official meeting between the two sides occurred a week after the message was sent and Clover came out of hiding (he remained in the Wild East) when Asgore invited representatives of what would soon come to be known as the Sanctuary to discuss the 'situation' over a cup of tea.

Starlo and Ceroba accepted the invite. They were both very respectful during their meeting. During this meeting, they told Asgore about how they met Clover, how he changed their lives, and showed them (if unintentionally) that Monsters are in the wrong in this one-sided conflict with humanity.

They explain to Asgore the purpose of the Sanctuary and how the only reason Clover is in the Underground is to rescue the children. They also pitched a handful of ideas on how to give the children the freedom that they deserve without sacrificing the freedom of the Monsters.

Asgore was extremely nice and understanding about the whole situation. He listened patiently and asked questions when appropriate. However, he then went on to explain why he could not go back on his word to the kingdom, especially when they were so close. He feared that giving in would escalate the conflict further.

Angered by his answer, Ceroba and Starlo stormed out of the castle, with Starlo taking the time to leave Asgore a parting message;

"Any dust and blood that comes from this dispute will be on your hands."

The initial months of the Sanctuary were rough. Even as their borders expanded to cover more of the Dunes, they still didn't have many natural resources and their 'controversial political ideals' made trade difficult. Over time they were able to set up farms in areas where the climate wasn't as extreme, with Sunnyside Farm being massively expanded. Other more magical methods of creating Monster food were also initiated, methods that Clover doesn't understand. Seeds and animals from the surface were tracked down from across the Underground to give Clover a proper source of nutrients.

Handfuls of Pro-human Monsters moved to the Sanctuary while it was possible in the early days. This created a housing and serious supply shortage that took a lot of time to rectify. Over time, the infrastructure and economy of the Sanctuary developed. A big help was when Mayor Ceroba announced the reopening of the Steamworks. They can't continue to rely on the Core, especially since they are at constant risk of being cut off from it.

The robots inside were fixed up and repurposed, including Axis. Axis is still the main security bot in the Steamworks. He patrols the corridors with a small army of camera drones to keep intruders out. While some of the robots continued working at the Steamworks, others were brought out to help with the industrialization.

It took almost two years, and some unconventional help, but the Sanctuary became self-sustaining, with lots of food, running water and a stable source of energy. Not only did the Wild East and Oasis Valley merge, but they also modernized and expanded. Homes, stores and other facilities were built. They still resemble towns from the Wild West, but now with proper roads and more modern interiors and facilities. This annoyed Starlo a little but since the overall aesthetic remained the same he adjusted quickly.

Ketsukane estate was repurposed into a Mayoral Office. Although no one but Ceroba has really lived there. She chose to not run again after her first three-year term. The second mayor quit after a few months and she was placed back in office. She's currently in her third and final term. Clover lives with her for protection and status reasons and also to keep her company.

Watch towers were built near the border due to the steadily rising tensions.

Safety bunkers designed to hide and protect Clover and any other human that falls are also in the process of being built. Clover made it clear that if there is an emergency, he won't hide.

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